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        사회과 교사의 수업 전문성 제고를 위한 멘토링 체제 개발

        은지용 ( Ji Yong Eun ) 한국사회과교육학회 2009 시민교육연구 Vol.41 No.3

        The objective of this study was to develop a well-structured mentoring system in consideration of the procedure and elements of mentoring (aspect of procedure), the roles and qualities of mentors and mentees (aspect of agents), and mentoring process evaluation and feedback (aspect of evaluation). The contents of this study are summarized as follows. First, before developing a mentoring system, we discussed the necessity and meaning of class mentoring focused on the relation between teaching professionalism and pedagogical content knowledge(PCK) and the relation between mentoring and reflective practice. That is, it is necessary to design a professionalism development program focused on PCK, the key of curriculum teaching professionalism, and such a program is meaningful in that mentoring can stimulate the formation and development of PCK through reflective practice. Second, we developed a class mentoring system for enhancing teaching professionalism. For this, first we suggested the theoretical principles of class mentoring based on the experiential learning theory. That is, based on the experiential learning theory emphasizing the cyclic learning process of `experience→reflect on experiences→draw conclusions and find alternatives→plan the next stage,` we designed a cyclic class mentoring process of `execute a class→reflect on the class→derive implications and theories for improving the class→plan an improved class.` Then, in the aspect of mentoring agents, we suggested mentors` qualities (teaching ability, mentoring abilities such as class analysis ability, interaction ability, alternative suggestion ability, etc.) and mentees` qualities (attitude of receiving mentoring opinions, will and attitude of practice for improvement, etc.), and in the aspect of mentoring evaluation, we suggested evaluation of mentoring process and feedback by external specialists and teachers participating in mentoring. Next, based on political implications of the class mentoring system developed in this study, policies were suggested in connection to teacher ability development and evaluation as follows. First, in connection to teacher ability development and evaluation to be enforced from 2010, we suggest the introduction of the one-to-one customized class mentoring system proposed in this study as an alternative for advanced training of low-score areas in the results of assessment by the government. Second, in case the mentoring system proposed in this study is operated in connection to the above-mentioned teacher ability development and evaluation, it is appropriate for demonstrative operation of `education first evaluation second,` so we suggest the use of the program as an education program in preparation for evaluation. Lastly, a number of suggestions were made as follows with regard to the limitations of the developed class mentoring system, tasks for the settlement of the class mentoring system, and tasks for the activation of class mentoring. First, this study developed a class mentoring system as a preliminary model applicable to social studies, and the model needs to be refined through further research into a social studies class mentoring program with `curricular validity` and `field relevance.` Second, for the successful settlement of the mentoring system proposed in this study, self-reflective and open teacher culture should be settled. Third, because the key factor determining the success of monitoring is the mentoring teacher, we need to develop mentoring teacher training programs and provide governmental supports for such programs. Fourth, for the activation of mentoring operation, various administrative and financial supports are required for mentor and mentee teachers` mentoring activities.

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      • KCI등재

        학업성취 우수 초등학교의 특징과 그 함의 -M 초등학교의 사회과 수업 사례를 중심으로-

        은지용 ( Ji Yong Eun ),설규주 ( Kyu Joo Seol ) 한국사회과교육학회 2010 시민교육연구 Vol.42 No.3

        The objectives of this study were to examine the curriculums, teaching learning activities, and characteristics of elementary school with high academic achievement, focusing on a case of social studies class, and to make suggestions to reform curriculums and teaching learning activities for enhancing elementary school children`s academic achievement. For these purposes, from elementary school that attained high scores in the national level academic achievement evaluation, we selected one in which the effect of private education, the work stability of the school principal and teachers, and internal variables of the school had a positive effect, and then collected data through observing the social studies class and in depth interviews with the school manager, head teachers, class teachers, and students and analyzed the data. According to the results of the analysis, in the aspect of teaching learning, students` vocabulary level was high, an atmosphere of enjoying competition was created, and students` trust in the school was high. The teachers showed high satisfaction with and pride in their teaching job. There is social studies subject teacher and she played a crucial role, and this structured and substantiated the social studies class. In the aspect of curriculum, the reading certification system, Chinese character education, etc. contributed to improvement in the students` vocabulary and literacy. In the aspect of support, the principal`s administration philosophy of encouraging each school member`s voluntary participation was remarkable, and the assistant principal`s enthusiasm for improving the quality of questions for school assessment was also impressive. The school and the parents also engaged in active cooperative activities for children`s learning. From these results were obtained implications as follows. First, school members` high satisfaction and pride can contribute to improvement in academic achievement. In addition, the expansion of the subject teacher system should be considered actively for more advanced teaching in elementary school. Furthermore, curriculum and class strategies are required for strengthening students` motive for the learning of language comprehension, which is the basic of study, and class should be specialized using various teaching learning materials as well as structured class strategies. On the other hand, the manager should operate the school in a way of reducing interference with teachers and students and increasing support. Lastly, close partnership and mutual trust between school and parents are required for the education of children.

      • KCI등재

        다문화적 인성 발달 이론에 기반한 다문화 학습 모형 탐색

        은지용 ( Ji Yong Eun ) 한국사회과교육학회 2009 시민교육연구 Vol.41 No.1

        The objective of the present study is to design a multicultural learning model through examining multicultural character development theories. The contents of this study are summarized as follows. First, in the review of multicultural character development theories, we examined three representative multicultural character development theories, which are racial-cultural identity development theory (Sue & Sue), cultural identity development theory (Banks), and intercultural sensitivity development theory (Bennett & Bennett), and the stages of multicultural character development were discussed as follows. That is, although the three multicultural character development theories are partially different from one another in the details, they can give useful implications in formulating a multicultural learning model by showing a series of processes to make learners receive and respect other cultures and ultimately reflect on their own culture and other cultures, starting from cultural toadyism or ethnocentrism, which is a negative idea against the understanding of other cultures, and gradually increasing the understanding of other cultures. Second, a multicultural learning model was designed based on the multicultural character development theories. Here, the model was divided into the goals of multicultural learning and the methods of multicultural learning. With regard to the goals of multicultural learning, the concept and components of multicultural character were derived. Multicultural character indicates abilities to understand cultural diversity, attitude of respecting cultural diversity, abilities to put into practice the respectful attitude toward cultural diversity, etc. In addition, with regard to the components of multicultural character, we suggested abilities to understand own culture and other cultures reflectively in the cognitive aspect, attitude of respecting own culture and attitude of selective respect for other cultures, and attitude of respecting universal values of mankind in the emotional aspect, and abilities to put into practice the attitude of selective respect for other cultures, and abilities to cope with and participate in multicultural problems and conflicts in the behavioral aspect. Furthermore, with regard to the methods of multicultural learning, the stages of multicultural learning were presented for minority groups and majority groups. The suggested stages of multicultural learning for minority groups were the stage of `acknowledging cultural toadyism or ethnocentrism,` stage of `recognizing differences between own culture and other cultures,` stage of `understanding and respecting own culture and other cultures,` stage of `reflecting on own culture and other cultures,` and stage of `coping with multicultural problems and conflicts.` The stages for majority groups are the stage of `acknowledging ethnocentrism,` stage of recognizing differences between own culture and other cultures,` stage of `understanding and respecting other cultures,` stage of `reflecting on own culture and other cultures,` and stage of `coping with multicultural problems and conflicts.` On the other hand, we suggested the core principles of multicultural learning emphasized in the stages of multicultural learning such as the reduction of prejudices against other cultures, intercultural communication and sympathy, solution of multicultural conflicts and problems, and understanding and respecting of the universal values of mankind. Lastly, based on the results of this study, we made suggestions as follows on the operation of the multicultural learning model. Firstly, when multicultural learning is executed specifically based on the multicultural learning model proposed in this study, various multicultural learning methods, programs, and learning materials should be developed in consideration of learners` characteristics, level, learning capacity, learning environment, etc. Secondly, based on the multicultural learning model proposed in this study, further research should be made in the field of multicultural education with regard to specific multicultural learning methods, program execution processes, and the effects of such programs. Lastly, we expect the development of more practically applicable multicultural learning methods and programs through various subsequent studies on the process of multicultural character development in adolescents living in the multicultural situation of Korea.

      • KCI등재

        사회과에서 민주주의 개념과 관련된 국가 정체성 교육 내용에 대한 비판적 고찰

        은지용 ( Ji Yong Eun ),정필운 ( Pil Woon Jung ) 한국사회과교육학회 2014 시민교육연구 Vol.46 No.4

        This study aims to critically analyze concepts related to national identity in social studies, whose purpose is to nurture democratic citizens under the circumstance where controversy over national identity related to the notion of democracy has been raised recently. The content of this study performed in order to achieve its purpose is as follows. First, the followings are to sum up the concept of national identity in the form of propositions based on the theory of constitutional interpretation about the notions related to Korea`s national identity. Firstly, the key to Korea`s identity is democracy and the expression of democratic republic is an agreeable smallest common factor. Secondly, modern democracy encompasses liberal and social democracy and the democratic principles of Korea`s constitution are based on the combination of both. Thirdly, it is valid to find Korea`s identity from the basic principles of constitution embracing the principles of constitutionalism and welfare state as well as the principle of democracy. Second, the discussion and suggestive points are presented as follows by summing up the results of analyzing the content of social studies related to national identity by each school level. First of all, social studies of elementary school introduce national forms according to national identity and basic rights in the constitution in textbooks but the introduction of concepts is rough. In the case of liberal democracy, democracy and liberal democracy are in mixed use in similar contexts. Next, social studies of middle school do not deal with exact meanings of the concepts related to national identity such as democratic republic or liberal democracy but such notions emerge in the subject of history, which lead to students` confusion about terminology, and the content is organized in such a way of causing a worry that the identity of Korea may be recognized rashly as liberal democracy. In addition, to look into social studies of high school, by introducing liberal democracy as a basic principle of the constitution it results in students` rash recognition of the national system as liberal democracy and overlapping of the basic principles of the constitution also needs to be reconsidered. Meanwhile, in the case of social studies, the basic free and democratic order is used as a similar term to liberal democracy and this may trigger students` confusion and misunderstanding over the concept of national identity. In particular, the textbooks on Korean history have some problem in that it described Korea`s history of political development as the history of liberal democracy development not the history of democracy development, which is very controversial. Third, the suggestive points about improvement in education on national identity based on the above research results are as follows. Firstly, in terms of educational policies, educational policies related to national identity corresponding with the ideology of constitution need to be created and implemented. Secondly, in terms of curriculum, organization of curriculum and improvement of their composition system are needed so that education on Korea`s national identity may be systematically conducted within the viewpoints and framework of democratic civic education. Thirdly, in terms of textbooks, improvement on textbook composition system and content are necessary so that education on national identity may be conducted with internal stability from the perspectives of democratic civic education.

      • KCI등재

        일상적인 수업과 고차사고력 학습 -중등 사회과 수업 사례 분석을 중심으로-

        은지용 ( Ji Yong Eun ),강대현 ( Dae Hyun Kang ) 한국사회과교육학회 2015 시민교육연구 Vol.47 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to reflect on the meaning of higher order thinking skills and the discussion of higher order thinking skills learning in social studies. And this study is to figure out the realities and patterns of higher order thinking skills learning in social studies classroom. To do this, first of all, we examine the discussions of higher order thinking skills in the 1980s and 1990s and inspect the meaning of higher order thinking skills and the discussion of higher order thinking skills learning principles in social studies. Second, we analyze the class cases of three teachers that we filmed. And we try to find out when higher order thinking skills of students are exerted and when higher order thinking skills of students are interrupted. According to the analysis of social studies classroom, three teachers tend to teach classes using ritual questions and in these cases, higher order thinking skills of students are interrupted. And three teachers tend to explain core contents in advance and in these cases, higher order thinking skills of students are interrupted. Higher order thinking skills are learned in the classrooms when self-directed activities are done and many answers are possible. In conclusion, if three teachers break the ritual questions and reduce the amount of excessive explanations and revitalize the self-directed activities, higher order thinking skills learning can be promoted in the social studies classroom.

      • KCI등재

        사회과 인성교육 개념 및 요소에 대한 탐색

        은지용 ( Ji Yong Eun ) 한국사회과교육학회 2013 시민교육연구 Vol.45 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to construct a theoretical basis for providing a measure that is consistent with the essential characteristics and goals of social studies, and with which we can respond flexibly to the requirement for strengthening personality education in school, which has got prominent as a social task. That is to say, for the sake of strengthening personality education in social studies, this study takes it as its significance to extract and select core elements of personality education in social studies by considering the essential meaning of personality education in social studies, its relation with curricula, national and social requirements related to personality etc. entirely, to provide a theoretical and logical framework for how the core elements of personality education are systematically incorporated into the application of the curriculum of social studies to exert educational effects, and furthermore to offer basic principles of teaching and learning of personality in social studies. The contents of the work carried out to attain such goals can be summarized as follows. First, personality education in social studies is defined as a concept that is based on social and civic ``values and virtues`` contributed to the maintenance and development of community life in consideration of the characteristics of social studies, but also subsumes ``cognitive and behavioral personality elements`` that emphasize active engagement and practice for the sake of solving personality related problems occurring in community life. Second, after extracting elements of personality education based on the personality elements presented by domestic and foreign scholars and organizations, the general guidelines of the National Curriculum, a curricular document in the national level, and the contents of the curriculum of social studies, this paper selects core elements of personality education in social studies on the basis of the references of the subject`s nature and social requirement. That is to say, considering the references of the subject`s nature and social requirement entirely, this paper finally selects ``justice,`` ``human rights,`` ``sympathy,`` ``tolerance,`` ``participation,`` ``ability to resolve conflicts,`` and ``ability to solve problems`` as 7 core elements of personality education in social studies. Third, after examining the concepts and significance of the core elements of personality education in social studies, ``human rights,`` ``justice,`` ``tolerance,`` ``sympathy,`` ``participation,`` ``ability to resolve conflicts,`` and ``ability to solve problems,`` this study discusses main contents of personality education in social studies in connection with the core elements of personality education focusing on curricular contents. In particular, rather than being linearly connected with learning elements related exclusively to each other, the core elements of personality education in social studies can be closely connected with each other in the course of social studies classes.

      • KCI등재

        민주주의와 법치주의의 관계, 어떻게 가르칠 것인가? - 사회과 교육과정 및 교과서 내용 분석을 중심으로 -

        은지용 ( Eun Ji-yong ),정필운 ( Jung Pil-woon ) 한국사회과교육학회 2017 시민교육연구 Vol.49 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to examine how to recognize the relationship between democracy and the rule of law in terms of democratic civic education, and critically examine the descriptive contents of the relationship between the two presented in the elementary and secondary social studies curriculum and textbooks. To achieve the purpose, this study first explored the bilateral relationship from the perspective of the constitution. Through these considerations, this study argued that the two can be understood and presented as two constitutional principles that constitute and operate the nation to protect the freedom and rights of citizens, while interacting dynamically beyond recognizing the two as mutually opposing or complementary relations to get a reasonable civic education. In other words, the democratic element of social contract creates the element of the rule of law, that is, the constitution, and the rule of law restricts democracy by adopting constitutionality which constitutes and operates a nation according to the constitution. The National Assembly, which is constituted and operated according to the constitution, complies with the constitution, and the democracy is manifested under the rule of law by making the legislation by collecting the will of the people in the form of law. The law formed through this process is again the most important and an important element of the rule of law except for the constitution. On the other hand, if these laws violate the parent constitutional law, the Constitutional Court will declare the unconstitutionality of the law to alleviate the problems that democracy can have by the elements of the rule of law. The dissolution of the unconstitutional party also performs the same function. On the other hand, in the case of the public participation trial, the democratic element of citizen participation plays a role of restricting the rule of law. Based on this theoretical discussion, this study derived the analytical criterion, and presented in what specific context the relationship between democracy and the rule of law in elementary and secondary social studies curriculum and textbooks is explained, suggesting that the problems and improvements of such explanation.

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