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        <명주보월빙> 연작의 친동기간 갈등 양상과 의미

        유인선 ( Yoo Inseon ) 한국고전문학회 2021 古典文學硏究 Vol.60 No.-

        조선후기 한글장편소설은 ‘가족’을 중심으로 삶의 다양한 국면과 인간관계를 포착하며, 가족갈등을 다양하게 변주함으로써 가족 문제의 구체적인 실상을 드러낸다. 그동안 한글장편소설에서 가족갈등은 주로 ‘부자갈등’과 ‘부부갈등’을 중심으로 논의되었으며, ‘형제갈등’으로 대변되는 同氣間의 갈등은 이복형제간의 갈등 위주로 소략하게 다루어진 감이 없지 않다. 한글장편소설에서 동기간의 갈등이 소략하게, 그마저도 이복형제의 갈등 위주로 다루어진 것은 동기간이 천륜으로 인식된 데다 親同氣間의 갈등을 암묵적으로 회피하고자 했던 한글장편소설의 창작 경향과 무관하지 않을 것이다. <명주보월빙> 연작은 이러한 동기간의 갈등, 특히 친동기간의 갈등을 수면 위로 부각시키는 동시에 산발적으로 다루어지던 친형제·자매·남매갈등을 종합적으로 다룬 작품이라는 점에서도 주목된다. <명주보월빙> 연작은 친동기간의 경쟁의식과 시기심의 문제를 적극적으로 서사화함으로써 종통계승과 혼인문제를 주로 다룬 작품들과 뚜렷한 대비를 이룬다. <명주보월빙> 연작에서 ‘자매갈등’은 삼각관계에 의한 애정갈등에서 벗어나 친동기간의 시기심과 열등감, 그로 인한 파괴적 면모 등을 형상화며, ‘형제갈등’ 역시 형제간의 경쟁심리가 자녀들의 혼인과 성취, 사회적 위상 문제 등과 결부되어 서사화된다는 점에서 다른 작품들과 차이를 보인다. 또한 ‘남매갈등’의 경우 재산분배 등 현실적 이익과 관련된 문제를 다루며, 남매간의 권력 다툼 속에서 발생하는 윤리적인 문제를 조명한다는 점이 특징적이다. 이 외에도 <명주보월빙> 연작은 중심가문과 주변가문을 통해 친동기간의 갈등을 전략적으로 배치함으로써 중심가문의 위상과 역량을 부각하는 효과를 보인다. <명주보월빙> 연작의 친동기간 갈등 양상과 의미를 규명하는 것은 한글장편소설의 서사적 경향이 다양하게 변주되는 一端을 밝히는 동시에 <명주보월빙> 연작의 특징을 규명하는 작업으로서도 의의를 지닌다. 또한 친동기간의 갈등에 대한 고찰은 현대에도 여전히 시의성을 지닌 주제로서 의의를 지닌다고 할 수 있을 것이다. Korean classical novels in the late Choseon Dynasty capture various aspects of life and human relationships focused on ‘family’, and reveals the concrete reality of family problems that occur in the social system of the time by varying family conflicts. Previous studies about Korean classical novels have been mainly discussed family conflicts focused on ‘father-son conflicts’ and ‘marital conflicts’. On the other hand, conflicts between full siblings were included in ‘sibling conflict’ and has been briefly dealt while the sibling conflict mainly focused on conflicts between half sibling. The fact that sibling conflict is less emphasized in Korean classical novels, and even most of them were about half brothers, stems from the tendency of the time to implicitly avoid the issue of full sibling conflict. The Myeong-ju-bo-wol-bing series is noteworthy in that the series highlights the conflict between full siblings. The Myeong-ju-bo-wol-bing series is the longest series of novels in the late Choseon Dynasty, consisting of Myeong-ju-bo-wol-bing and Yun-ha-jeong-sam-mun-chwi-rok (total of 205 volumes). The series shows various aspects of full sibling conflicts such as sister conflict, brother conflict, and brother-sister conflict within a single series. In particular, most of the other novels, realistic aspects such as ‘marriage problem’ and ‘problem of succession’ are the major causes of sibling conflicts, but The Myeong-ju-bo-wol-bing series shows a different trend. Sibling conflict in the Myeong-ju-bo-wol-bing series originate from psychological factors such as rivalry, jealousy, and hostility. First, in the case of sister conflict, the psychological wounds of the older sister caused by the father’s favoritism are expressed as jealousy and hostility toward the younger sister. In the case of brother conflict, the rivalry between each other extends to the problems of marriage and social success of children, and this also extends to conflicts between cousins of the children generation. On the other hand, it is notable that brother-sister conflict deals with issues related to real interests, such as inheritance rights and succession rights, and illuminates ethical issues that arise in power struggles between them. In addition, Myeong-ju-bo-wol-bing series strategically arranges the conflicts between the full siblings through the main family and the extra families. In the case of the main family, the conflict between sisters is handled without damaging the honer of the family. However, in the case of the neighboring families, the capabilities of the central family is revealed by highlighting the catastrophe of the neighboring family due to sibling conflicts. The Myeong-ju-bo-wol-bing series is significant in that it reveals the conflicts between full siblings that have been concealed by emphasizing fraternal affection in terms of ethical and ideological justification, and in that it narrates the rivalry and jealousy between full siblings in contrast to other novels. In addition, the issue of conflict between full siblings is still a meaningful topic in modern times.

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