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        스페인어 파생동사에 대한 연구

        신자영 한국서어서문학회 1995 스페인어문학 Vol.8 No.1

        El presente trabajo intenta estudiar, desde el punto de vista morfolo′gico, los procesos derivacionales de los tipos de verbos en espan~ol, en concreto, los verbos causativos y los transitivos. Al analizar los procesos derivacionales de dichos verbos, hemos revisado las dos propuestas existentes en el campo morfolo′gico. Por un lado, los linguistas Aronoff y Selkirk analizan la diferencia estructural de los dos tipos de verbos bajo el supuesto de que dicha diferencia se deriva del hecho de que la base seri′a la rai′z y la palabra. Dicho en otras palabras, estos autores piensan que la diferencia fundamental de las estructuras morfolo′gicas de los dos tipos de verbos radica en la cuestio′n del li′mite entre la base y el afijo. Por otro lado, los linguistas Siegel, Allen, Fabb, Kiparsky y Baker proponen que hay reglas especi′ficas que derivan los procesos morfolo′gicos, y que el orden de aplicacio′n de estas reglas esta′ regulado por elementos externos (es decir, no tratan el presente tema dentro del a′mbito de la morfologi′a en si′), suponiendo asi′ que las diferentes estructuras morfolo′gicas de los verbos causativos y transitivos son resultados de la siguiente cuestio′n: ¿en que′ nivel gramatical se aplican las reglas morfolo′gicas al formar dichos verbos? En nuestra opinio′n, estos verbos en cuestio′n pueden ser analizados de manera sistema′tica bajo la teori′a morfolo′gica, mediante la cual se puede describir y explicar adecuadamente los procesos de formacio′n de palabras.

      • KCI등재

        스페인어 파생 동사의 중의성의 어휘적 표상 : 사역/기동 교체를 중심으로 la alternancia causativo / incoativo

        신자영 한국서어서문학회 2000 스페인어문학 Vol.17 No.1

        El principal objetivo del trabajo radica en dar cuenta de la distributio'n complementaria entre el arti'culo y el posesivo en el espan ̄ol moderno, el feno'meno qua no ocurre en otras lenguas romances como el italiano, el portugue's, el catala'n y el gallego, Primero, ofrecemos tres pruebas sinta'cticas qua demuestran que el arti'culo y el posesivo no compiten por la misma posicio'n y, por to tanto, postulamos que la distribucio'n complementaria se debe a otra cause, Segundo, ofrecemos dos maneras de dar cuenta de por que' el arti'culo y el posesivo no pueden it juntos delante del nu'cleo nominal, La primera solucio'n corrsiste en proponer un filtro equivalente `al de COMP doblemente lleno' propuesto por Chomsky y Lasnik(1977), que prohibe que el COMP este' doblemente lleno de elementos le'xicos, La segunda solucio'n se base en el cotejo de rasgos formales propuesto par Chomsky(1993,1995): una vez eliminado el rasgo "fuerte" dal nu'cleo D, queda prohibida la subida(o la atraccio'n) dal posesivo, Por u'ltimo, intentamos contestar a ones preguntas relacionadas con nuestro ana'lisis: (i) la coaparicio'n del arti'culo y el posesivo en posicio'n prenorninal en otras lenguas romances: (ii) la imposibilidad de la subida de N a D: (ii) la omisio'n dal arti'culo en los sintagmas nominales en vocativo o en exclamativo.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 포를 응용한 여아 외투 디자인 I

        신자영,장민정,Shin, Ja-Young,Chang, Min-Jung 한국의상디자인학회 2016 한국의상디자인학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        Though the po as the basic apparel of the Joseon Dynasty period was various in kind as it was worn by people of different times, places, duties and statuses. it was unified as Juui with apparel reform at the late Joseon Dynasty. Though people of today have good feelings about hanbok, they rarely wear it because of its uncomfortable wearing sensation and the fastidious care after its use. However, efforts should be made to develop designs and to improve its use convenience through the study on the Korean traditional clothing now that overseas examples exist in which other countries' traditional clothing was successfully popularized. In this regard, targeting the children in their preschool ages when their socialization arises along with their physical development that have great influence on their adulthood, this study aims to suggest a design of overcoats that combines the various characteristics of the po in Joseon Dynasty period with those of the modern children's overcoats so that they might have positive attitudes towards Korean traditional clothes, and to contribute to its popularization. The study applied the characteristics of po to the design of children's overcoats so that children and their parents could choose to wear them with little repulsion. In this way, it attempted to resolve the inconveniences of the Korean traditional clothes and make the general public have positive perception about them. It is expected that the continuous development of the design that combines the Korean traditional clothes and children's clothes will contribute to the popularization of the Korean traditional clothes.

      • KCI등재

        자료기반 스페인어 구어 담화 분석 및 화행 연구 - 의문문 형식의 화행 연구를 중심으로

        신자영 서울대학교 라틴아메리카연구소 2015 이베로아메리카硏究 Vol.26 No.1

        The purpose of this research is to examine the types of Spanish speech acts and its politeness strategies used in interrogative sentences. For our study, we compiled a Spanish oral corpus consisting of 12,409 utterance pairs based on 9 modern Spanish movies. Based on the oral corpus, we extracted 1,962 interrogative sentences to analyze their functions in discourse and classified them according to their speech acts. We depended on the notion of felicity conditions in order to classify each speech act; as a result, we showed that Spanish interrogatives can be classified in 17 subtypes: questions, assertion, exclamatives, rhetoric questions, directive speech acts such as request, suggestion, permission, recommendation, etc. We argued that grammatical sentence types such as interrogatives, declaratives and imperatives do not necessarily correspond to their typical function. Also, the frequency of each speech act types realized as Spanish interrogative sentences is shown. Theoretically, we applied pragmatics theories such as indirect speech act strategies, politeness strategies, and implications theory in order to explain the effect of adopting the interrogatives in each speech act. 본 연구는 스페인어로 된 9편의 영화를 전산화된 말뭉치(Corpus) 형태로 구축하고, 구축된 스페인어 구어 코퍼스의 12,409개 발화 쌍에서 의문문 형태로 나타나는 다양한 형식의 화행(Speech Act)과 이를 수반하는 다양한 담화상의 요소 및 전략들을 분석하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위하여 이론적으로는 화행 이론 및 담화 분석 이론, 공손성 이론, 함축 이론 등과 같은화용론의 주요 이론들에 기초한다. 특히 본 연구에서는 형태적으로 의문문으로 구현되는 발화들이 구현되는 화행적 실현 양상을 형태와 기능의 상호 대응 관계를 중심으로 분석하게 될 것이다. 의문문은 사용의 관점에서 보았을 때에 항상 질문의 화행으로만 대응되는 것이 아니며, 단언, 감탄, 명령, 요청, 제안 등 가장 다양한 유형의 화행으로 구현되는 발화 형태 중의 하나이다. 따라서 의문문이 나타내는 다양한 화행을 정의하고, 한 유형의 발화 형태가 실제 언어의 사용에서 다양한 유형의 화행으로 구현되는 과정과 원리를 살펴보면서, 실제 발화에서 이들 각각화행이 사용되는 분포 및 빈도를 함께 연구하여, 자료 기반 귀납적 연구를 통하여 스페인어의구체적인 언어수행에 대한 연구를 실행하고 이를 스페인어 교육에 적용할 수 있는 방법을 모색하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        현대 신한복의 니트 소재 활용 현황

        신자영,장민정 한국니트디자인학회 2020 패션과 니트 Vol.18 No.2

        A variety of changes are being attempted with traditional culture in modern society. Traditional Hanbok has also been fused with modern clothes, changing into New-Hanbok that can be styled in various ways to suit individual preferences. Rich in elasticity, knit has the characteristic that it can easily be adjusted to a wearer’s body even when the knitwear is not the right size. Hanbok is suitable for utilizing knit because knit wears are similar to Hanbok in that ease parts are folded and arranged after the clothes are worn. The aim of this study is to analyze the frequency of knit material use and present condition of knit material application in New-Hanbok by year. This research is meaningful in that it examines the various possibilities of using knit in Korean costume and to further develop Korean costume and the knit industry. The research materials were 1449 pieces of New-Hanbok by designers who participated in the New-Hanbok development project conducted by Hanbok Advancement Center from 2014 to 2019. The works were classified by year and type(coats, layering coats, tops, bottoms, and one-piece clothing), and the frequency of using knit materials and the types of their use were examined. Of the entire New-Hanbok pieces, those using knit materials accounted for 15.04%, and 86.69% of them used knit as the main material. The use of knit materials in New-Hanbok has been gradually increasing year by year, and the percentage of using knit as the main material has been increasing as well. The use rate of knit has been on the increase for all types of clothes, and the frequency of using knit materials was found to be higher for coats and one-piece clothing than for tops and bottoms.

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