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      • 배기계 압력 변동을 이용한 가솔린 기관의 실화 검출-단수 실린더 실화-

        심국상(K.S.Sim),복중혁(J.H.Bok),김세웅(S.W.Kim) 한국자동차공학회 1997 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.1997 No.11_1

        This paper describes the method for detection of the misfired cylinder using the pressure fluctuations occured on exhaust system on an MPL gasoline engine.<br/> If misfire is occured in the cylinder of the gasoline engine, the power of engine gets lost, the fuel consumption and the exhaust emission are increase and the vibration is caused by unsteady torque. Therefore early detection and correction of misfire play a very important role in the proper performance and the exhaust emission. This paper suggests method of misfire detection which affect engine performance.<br/> The method is a comparison of average pressure index during the displacement period. Experimental results showed that the method using the pressure fluctuations in the exhaust system is proven to be effective in the detection of misfire on gasoline engine regardless loads and revolutions of the engine. In addition, this method, using the pressure fluctuations in exhaust system is easy compare to other method and is not a need of additional reconstruction of engine.<br/>

      • 배기관 내 압력 변동 분석에 의한 가솔린 기관의 실화 검출

        심국상(K.S.Sim),복중혁(J.H.Bok),김세웅(S.W.Kim) 한국자동차공학회 1998 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.1998 No.5_1

        This paper describes the method for detection of the misfired cylinder by analysis of the variation of pressure occurred in exhaust manifold on an MPI gasoline engine.<br/> Misfired cylinder or cylinders cause a loss of power and an increase of fuel consumption and exhaust emission and vibration is caused by unsteady torque.<br/> Therefore early detection and correction of misfired cylinder or cylinders play a very important role in the proper performance and the exhaust emission.<br/> The method is a comparison of integration pressure index during the period of a blowdown in the displacement period. Experimental results showed that the method using the variation of pressure in the exhaust manifold is proven to be effective in the detection of single cylinder or multiple cylinders misfire on the gasoline engine regardless of the engine revolutions.<br/> In addition, this method, using the variation of pressure in the exhaust manifold is a very easy and accuracy method compared with other methods and is a not a need of additional reconstruction of engine.<br/>

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        배기계 압력 변동을 이용한 가솔린 기관의 실화 검출 - 단수실린더 실화 -

        심국상(K. S. Sim),복중혁(J. H. Bok),김세웅(S. W. Kim) 한국자동차공학회 1998 한국 자동차공학회논문집 Vol.6 No.6

        This paper describes the method for detection of the misfired cylinder using the pressure fluctuations occurred in the exhaust system on an MPI gasoline engine.<br/> If misfire is occurred in the cylinder of the gasoline engine. the power of engine gets lost, the fuel consumption and the exhaust emission are increased and the vibration is caused by unsteady torque. Therefore early detection and correction of misfire playa very important role in the proper performance and the exhaust emission. This paper suggests method of misfire detection which affect engine performance.<br/> The method is a comparison of average pressure index during the displacement period. Experimental results showed that the method using the pressure fluctuations in the exhaust system is proven to be effective in the detection of misfire on gasoline engine regardless loads and revolutions of the engine. In addition, this method, using the pressure fluctuations in exhaust system is easier than other methods and is not a need of additional reconstruction of engine.<br/>

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