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      • KCI등재

        최대운동후 스포츠 마사지 운동성 회복 안정성 회복간에 젖산의 축적&혈중 $LDH_5$ Isozyme 변화의 비교분석

        김용남,류재문,Kim, Yong-Nam,Ru, Jea-Mon 대한물리치료과학회 2004 대한물리치료과학회지 Vol.11 No.4

        This study selected 10 university football male players and repeatedly treated them as sports massage group, exercise resumption group, and stability resumption. After maximum exercise, when sport massage, exercise resumption, and stability resumption were applied during recovery, blood lactic acid concentration and $LDH_5$ isozyme concentration were examined. Finally this study obtains the following conclusion 1. There was a significant difference in both lactic acid concentration and time between groups. Besides, the cross-action on group and time was significant. 2. There was a significant difference in both $LDH_5$ concentration and time between groups. Besides, the cross-action on group and time was significant. Based on the above findings, this study suggests that sport massage resumption and exercise resumption remove blood lactic acid more quickly than stability resumption to promote recovery. That means that sport massage and exercise resumption anre very effective for lowering the level of fatigue. Thus sport massage or exercise resumption treatment is considered to have a very positive effect on player's quick recovery and it should be used aggressively in a field.

      • KCI등재

        가상현실에서 댄스 운동이 뇌졸중 환자의 균형, 우울 및 일상 생활 동작에 미치는 효과

        김용남,이동규,Kim, Yong-Nam,Lee, Dong-Kyu 대한물리치료학회 2013 대한물리치료학회지 Vol.25 No.5

        Purpose: The purpose of study was to investigate effects of dance sports in virtual reality on balance, depression, and activities of daily living (ADL) in stroke patients. Methods: Subjects of the research consisted of 18 stroke patients who were randomly divided into the experimental and control groups, with nine patients each. All subjects underwent 30 minutes of Neurodevelopmental treatment (NDT) and 15 minutes of Functional electrical stimulation (FES) five days per week for a period of six weeks. Subjects in the experimental group performed an extra 30 minutes of dance sports in virtual reality each day. Balance, depression, and ADL of patients before and after the experiment were measured using Berg's balance scale (BBS), Beck depression inventory (BDI), and Modified Barthel index (MBI), respectively. For comparisone of the state before and after the experiment, wilcoxon signed ranks test was applied and for comparison of the difference between the groups, mannn-whitney U test was applied. Results: Results of this study, showed significant difference in balance, depression, and ADL between the experimental and control groups(p<0.05). As a control of the two groups, the experimental group, which performed extra dance sports in virtual reality, showed a significant difference in balance, depression, and ADL(p<0.05). Conclusion: Depending on the result, a dance sport in virtual reality was verified to enhance balance, depression, and ADL in stroke patients. Therefore, from now on, need for effective program development and application using dance sports in virtual reality will arise.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        N,N'-Oxalylbis(salicylaldehyde hydrazone)을 이용한 구리의 분광광도법 정량

        김용남,최규성,이익희,박기민,정유진,Kim Yong-Nam,Choi Kyu-Seong,Lee Ick-Hee,Bark Ki-Min,Chung Ryou-Jin 대한화학회 1992 대한화학회지 Vol.36 No.1

        A spectrophotometric method for the determination of copper using N,N'-Oxalylbis(salicylaldehyde hydrazone) as a chromogenic reagent has been developed. Determination has been performed by measuring the absorbances of the copper complexes in solutions containing 60% dimethylformamide (pH 2) at 422 nm. The method allows the determination of 0.4${\sim}$1.8 ${\mu}$g/ml of copper and has been applied to its determination in synthetic mixtures and alloy samples.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        N,N'-Oxalylbis(2-pyridyl-3'-sulphobenzoylhydrazone)을 이용한 구리의 분광광도법 및 미분 분광광도법 정량

        김용남,최규성,최승춘,정유진,Kim Yong-Nam,Choi Kyu-Seong,Choi Seung-Choon,Chung Ryou-Jin 대한화학회 1993 대한화학회지 Vol.37 No.1

        A water-soluble chromogenic reagent, N,N'-oxalylbis(2-pyridyl-3'-sulphobenzoylhydrazone) has been synthesized. Spectrophotometric and first-and second-derivative spectrophotometric methods for the determination of copper with the reagent have been developed. Determination has been performed by measuring the absorbance and the first-and second-derivative values of the copper complexes in aqueous solutions (pH 1.89) at 379, 395, 363 and 421 nm, respectively. The method allows the determination of 0.12-1.20 ${\mu}g$ /ml of copper and has been applied to the analysis of aluminium alloy samples. The best results have been obtained from the measurements of the second-derivative values at 421 nm.

      • KCI등재

        동력계 및 표면근전도를 이용한 정상인의 등척성 수축 시 성별 차이에 따른 대퇴직근의 피로 양상분석

        김용남,Kim, Yong-Nam 대한물리치료학회 2007 대한물리치료학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        Purpose: The purpose of this study were to analyze fatigue patterns of the rectus femoris muscle by isometric contraction. Methods: Twenty healthy subjects(10 male, 10 female) participated in this study. Maximal voluntary isometric contraction(MVIC) was measured by the dynamometer. Muscle activity was recorded from the rectus femoris muscle. During the experiment, the subject was seated in the chair. The measured items, median frequency(MDF) and root mean square (RMS), were collected from the surface EMG. All data were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA. Results: There was significant difference of MVIC between male and female. Endurance time was significant difference by the level of MVIC but no significant in the main effect(sex) and interaction effect. The MDF and fatigue index were significant differences in the interaction effect. The RMS was not significant difference in both of main and interaction effect. The muscle fatigue patterns of female was greater than male after 60% MVIC. Conclusion: This study showed that sex differences of muscle fatigue were started from 60% MVIC.

      • KCI등재

        만성폐쇄성폐질환 환자의 폐기능 향상을 위한 호흡중재기법의 유병기간별 비교

        김용남,Kim, Yong-Nam 대한물리치료학회 2012 대한물리치료학회지 Vol.24 No.5

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of pulmonary rehabilitation on lung function and fatigue in persons with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Methods: Thirty one persons with COPD participated in this study. Four groups were allocated as follows: experimental group 1 (under 10 years of the post-disease period), control group 1 (under 10 years of the post-disease period), experimental group 2 (over 10 years of the post-disease period), and control group 2 (over 10 years of the post-disease period). Results: Forced expired volume in one second (FEV1) % pred and lactic acid showed improvement in experimental group 1 and experimental group 2 after training. Control group 1 and control group 2 did not show improvement of FEV1% pred and lactic acid after training. However, FEV1% pred and lactic acid in experimental group 1 were not significantly different, compared with the experimental group. Conclusion: Results of our study suggest that implementation of a pulmonary rehabilitation program resulted in improvement of lung function and fatigue in persons with COPD not related to the post-disease period.

      • KCI등재

        물리치료를 받는 뇌졸중 환자의 발병 관계요인에 관한 조사연구

        김용남,Kim, Yong-Nam 대한물리치료과학회 1996 대한물리치료과학회지 Vol.3 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to investigate risk factor found in the patients with stroke in physical therapy. A questionnaire survey was carried out for 130 the patients, who had comparatively alert mentality, hospitalized in kyung hee oriental medical hospital with stroke from January, 1st to May 31st, 1996. Major findings of this stuty were as follows. 1. The stroke patients 67(51.5%)were males and 63(48.5%) femals. The age groups of 50 to 69 years accounted for 67.6% of the total stroke patients are the highest. The job groups of commerce and business of patients 58.5%. The living groups of major citys of the revealed the highest incidence(40.8%). 2. There were 40 patients (30.8 %) who had hemorrhage related condions as the direct cause of their stroke, and 90 patients (69.2 %) who had cerebral infarction with no hemorrhaging as the cause. of the disease that the patients suffered from before their stroke, blood pressure related problems were most numberous 76 patients(58.5%) had such problems. 3. A month before their attack of stroke, were asked what thay thought could become the causes of their strokes. The most frequently mentioned answers were fatigue, drinking too much, and smoking, as chosen by 45 patients(34.6 %). 4. In regarding the relation between stress and stroke, (37.7%), of the surveyed belonged to the most numerous group had of people who said they were not under stress. Yet this group had a large number of parents. And 22.3 % of the surveyed named conflicts among parents, siblings, and relatives. 5. Questions were asked to find out the relationship between complications of stroke and smoking or drinking. It was surprising to see a high rate of attack among the 55.4 % majority who answered that they did not smoke nor drink. 6. To sum up the affect of food on attack of stroke, 42.5% of the people who had a sprcey and salty diet had a higher rate of attack then the group of people with leisurely nature. 7. Looking at the family history, 40.4% of the patients said their parents also suffered the disease. This percentage is the highest. And 40.0% answered that there is no one who suffered in their family history. Judging from the percentages and family.

      • KCI등재

        한방병원 물리요법실 운영실태에 관한 조사연구(전국 15개 한방병원을 중심으로)

        김용남,Kim, Yong-Nam 대한물리치료과학회 1995 대한물리치료과학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        The objective of this study was to find out the present status of the physio - therapeutic facilities in oriental hospitals The material were used in this study The literatures or annual reports of 15 oriental hospitals which present the status of input resources of physio-therapy departments and performances, Major findings of this study were as follows The average scale of input resource of physio-therapy departments are in difference among hospitals a) number of rooms : 4.5 in average(5.1 in university hospitals, 3.5 in other hospitals) b) size of therapeutic facility' area : $20.0m^{2}$ in average($19.3m^{2}$ in university hospitals, $20.3m^{2}$ in other hospitals) c) number of therapists : 8.6 in average(9.3 in university hospitals, 7.5 in other hospitals)

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