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      • KCI등재

        북한인권법 제정 지연에 대한 사회적 반성

        김석우(KIM Suk woo,金錫友) 신아시아연구소(구 신아세아질서연구회) 2016 신아세아 Vol.23 No.2

        The Republic of Korea National Assembly enacted the North Korean Human Rights Law on March 2, 2016. That was long after the passage of similar laws in the United States (2004) and Japan (2006). There were two reasons for the delay. First, Korea as a society was slow to understand that human rights are a universal value, even though the Constitution articulated the concept of the fundamental rights of individuals in advanced democracies. Amnesty International criticized the Republic of Korea for repeated violations of human rights before political democratization in 1987. Second, the legislation was obstructed by so-called freedom fighters who had fought authoritarian rule in the past. They tried to sabotage normal procedure since the bill was first submitted in 2005, averting their eyes from grave abuses of human rights in North Korea. Some insisted that South Korea could not intervene in the domestic affairs of North Korea, a position akin to allowing the Nazis to commit genocide against the Jews. Such endeavors prevented North Korean brothers and sisters from enjoying their dignity, fundamental freedoms and human rights, while helping the North Korean regime avoid harsh accusations from the outside world. They discouraged spontaneous efforts to improve the North Korean human rights situation or to expedite the smooth settlement of North Korean defectors in South Korea. Korean society should correct those inhumane errors and embrace North Korean defectors and North Korean brethren. That is the right approach to reach the goal of peaceful unification of the Korean Peninsula.

      • KCI등재

        재중 탈북자문제와 중국의 책임

        김석우(金錫友)(KIM Suk-woo) 신아시아연구소(구 신아세아질서연구회) 2012 신아세아 Vol.19 No.1

        중국 동북부에는 5만 내지 10만 명의 탈북자가 숨어 지내고 있고, 탈북여성이 출산한 무국적고아 약 5만 명이 인권의 사각지대에서 아동으로서 보호받지 못하고 있다. 중국정부는 탈북자를 국제법, 국내법과 인도주의 원칙에 따라서 처리한다고 해명하지만, 실제로는 탈북자의 난민지위를 인정하지 않고 북 ․중 국경협정 위반을 근거로 체포하여 강제 송환하고 있다. 연간 약 5천명이 강제 송환되어 고문, 강제수용소 감금, 처형과 같은 가혹한 인권침해를 당하고 있다. 이러한 중국의 행태는 중국이 가입한 난민협약 제33조 제1항이나 고문방지협약 제3조의 강제송환금지원칙에 명백하게 위반하는 것이다. 중국은 그 이외에도 유엔 사회권규약, 인종 차별철폐협약, 여성차별철폐조약, 아동권리협약 등 주요 인권조약에도 가입하였다. 이러한 주요 조약의 이행위원회에서는 모두 중국의 탈북자 강제송환의 문제점을 지적하고 있다. 중국이 탈북자를 난민으로 인정하는 것은 은혜를 베푸는 것이 아니라 국제법상의 의무를 이행하는 것이다. 중국이 조약상 의무, 특히 탈북자강제송환 금지의무를 이행하게 하기 위해, 국제사회는 유엔헌장체제상의 인권보호 메커니즘을 계속 활용해야 한다. 또한 20여국 정부의 중국과의 인권대화를 통해서도 재중탈북자문제를 제기해야 한다. 국제사회는 중국이 체면손상(naming and shaming)을 느끼고 부담을 느껴서 해결책을 찾도록 노력해야 한다. 이 문제 해결의 전략적 의미는 매우 크다. 이것은 북한인권문제를 해결하는 지름길이고, 통일에 대한 준비이며, 한국이 아시아인권보호의 센터로 자리매김하고, 또한 한국의 중국에 대한“핀란드화”를 방지하는 시금석이 될 것이다. Hundreds of thousand North Korean refugees are desperate in seeking safe shelters in the Northeastern parts of China. A more terrible tragedy is that scores of thousand orphans born between North Korean escapee mother and Chinese father roam the streets without proper care or basic education. Chinese authorities tell us that they treat those North Koreans in accordance with the international law, domestic law and humanitarian principles. However, they don’t allow refugee status to those North Koreans and arrest them as illegal border crossers and forcibly send back to North Korea. Around five thousands North Korean refugees are forcibly repatriated annually and suffer inhumane treatment such as torture, imprisonment in a Gulag and open execution to death. These Chinese measures constitute an obvious violation of the‘Non-Refoulement Principle’ stipulated in Article 33, Para 1 of the Refugees Convention and Article 3 of the Convention against Torture (CAT). China is a State Party to those treaties. China ratified other major human rights treaties such as International Covenant on the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESR), International Convention on Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD), Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Every monitoring committee of those treaties has urged China to protect those North Korean refugees. International community should urge China not to repatriate North Koreans through the UN mechanisms for human rights protection and through bilateral human rights dialogues with China. By naming, China will feel shaming and cannot but find solutions. International community is not begging China for a mercy to those North Koreans, but asking her to duly abide by international law and obligations as a responsible big power. Solution of this tragic case of North Korean refugees in China has strategic importance. It’s a short cut for improving North Korean human rights situation, a preparation for a peaceful unification of the Korean peninsula, a positioning Korea as a center for human rights in the region and a test case to prevent so-called Finlandization of Korean peninsula to mainland China.

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