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      • KCI등재

        조직적 내부특성으로 인한 미용사의 이직요인

        고경숙 ( Kyoung Sook Ko ) 한국미용학회 2008 한국미용학회지 Vol.14 No.4

        We reached to a conclusion like the following abstracts, as a result of analyzing the factors of which the inner traits affect the job-change intentions amongst 764 hair-dressers in big cities, for 4 months starting from March 15th to July 15th, 2007. 1) Out of a score of 5, the average for future views (3.96) was higher than social benefits (2.78). In future views, women (3.40), over age 40 (82.27), married (81.26), College graduate (81.27), monthly wage of over 2 million won (82.03) were the highest. Manager and owner (81.39), over 5 years experience (80.55), under 10 hours of work (79.55), full-time hire (79.34), expected wage of over 2 million won (80.25) appeared sufficiently high. 2) The intentions of switching jobs were affected by the order of return analysis result, work experience, gender, statistically. In order to alleviate hair-dressers` switching jobs, a creation of environment for efficient work progress along with role distribution based on work experience, and a systematic solution allowing the reduction of switching jobs through the development of a new program must be provided.

      • KCI등재

        미용전공 학생들의 성격유형별 외모만족도와 헤어스타일행동 의존성에 관한 연구

        고경숙(Kyoung-Sook Ko) 한국인체미용예술학회 2012 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to find out if there is a difference in appearance satisfaction and hairstyle behavior dependence according to the personality types of college students majoring in beauty treatment, and the following conclusion was obtained. As for the appearance satisfaction according to personality types, there were differences in appearance satisfaction per function (p<0.05), disposition (p<0.05), MBTI character type (p<0.05). NT for function, NT for disposition, and ISFJ for MBTI character type were found to have the highest appearance satisfaction. As for the difference in hairstyle behavior dependence according to character types, there were significant differences in mass-media dependence for disposition (p<0.05), and parents dependence for MBTI character type (p<0.05). In the relationship of appearance satisfaction and hairstyle behavior, there was a positive correlation (r=0.186) between appearance satisfaction and self-dependence. As for the difference in hairstyle behavior dependence of college students majoring in beauty treatment according to demographic characteristics, there were significant differences by gender in self-dependence (p<0.05), parent-dependence (p<0.05), and friend dependence (p<0.05). With the above results, it shows that the college students who seek truth more, are more rational, and have more feminine character were satisfied with their appearances. The limitations of this study is that there are limits to generalization of the result only with extraction of one two-year institution and one four-year institution specialized in beauty treatment.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 일본 고대 두발양식에 관한 연구

        고경숙 ( Kyoung Sook Ko ) 한국미용학회 2006 한국미용학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        埴輪(はにわ: The Doll of Boiling Clay) of Tumurus period, most people tied up theirhair into a simple knot. But in the Nara period the privileged classes consciously adopted bound hair styles. There is a deep relationship between various hair styles of women in the Nara period and the national class system effected by Tang dynasty China. Both Nara Japan and Tang China had a similar hair styles, namely tying the hair up in a fairly thick but ornate knot, fastened by a rod-like hairpin decorated with a gold or jeweled flower. Male styles of the Nara period also were deeply effected by Sui and Tang dynasty China. In particular, Nara dynasty courtiers had to put on a crown similar to the royal court of Sui(Gwanweshipegae: the Sui status system). Under this convention, men tied their hair up into a topknot instead of the previous Miduryang. In the 11th year of Chunmoo, the previous laws and rules were abolished and Chilsakwan(七紗冠) and Gyukwan(圭冠) were adopted, and the different social classes were distinguished by the colors of their clothes. At this time, Buddhism was transmitted into Japan. Shaved hair style was popular among Buddhists and shave style was established for Buddhist priests. Hair styles in ancient Japan were divided into hair hanging down loosely and more bind styles; but the ancients thought that black hair was shown to its best effect just hanging down loosely. They adopted more bind styles for important events, such as court banquets and ceremonies, but undid their hair into a loose style once these events were finished. Various lengths of hair hanging down and various positions of the more bound styles represent the aristocratic classes and the common people. Both the loosely-hanging style and bound styles have been transmitted down to current society and continue to influence the hair styling of today.

      • KCI등재

        자화지정 추출물 적용에 따른 모발손상 및 형태학적 변화에 관한 연구

        고경숙 ( Kyoung Sook Ko ) 한국미용학회 2013 한국미용학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        In this study, the wave efficiency, the thickness of hair, the hair elasticity, the hair surface observation, the hair microstructure observation were analyzed to verify the impact to hair from each application, such as, the treatment of Ammonium thioglycolate reducing agent adding 1.5% of Viola mandshurica extract and without adding the extract, and, during perming process, the treatment produced by adding 7.5 g of Viola mandshurica extract by separating pre conditioning and post conditioning. Consequently, The group treated with the hair permanent using the reducing agent with added Viola mandshurica extract after the preconditioning produced by adding Viola mandshurica extract showed to be most effective in hair damage reduction. Therefore, it was confirmed that adding Viola mandshurica extract in the permanent treatment and applying Viola mandshurica extract in the preconditioning treatment are effective and minimize hair damage.

      • KCI등재

        미용사들의 역할요인이 업무 스트레스에 미치는 영향

        고경숙 ( Kyoung Sook Ko ),유왕근 ( Wang Keun Yoo ) 한국미용학회 2008 한국미용학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        This study shows that from March to July 2007 Beauty salon workers to distribute the survey conducted of 793 people. 764 of a total of 793 additional call in questionnaire, survey unfaithfulness respondents 29 to 96.3 percent, excluding wealth of statistical analysis processing. 1) The average score of factors, the role women (20.45), role overdose (3.63), age 20-29 years old (20.81), role conflict (3.39), single (20.57), the average monthly income of less than 1 million won (21.23), role conflict (3.49), the designer (20.01), less than 1-5years career (21.36), 1-day work hours, employees, temporary, such as variable pay note of hope. 2) Job stress is 20-29 or younger (37.35), and unmarried (37.28) average monthly income, and the staff in critical condition (38.10), and career, one day at time, temporary, and hopes salary, job experience, such as a variable to keep in mind. Multiple regression analysis is a statistical regression analysis contained in the note has to be able to explain the difference of job stress. Stress factors that affect a large role in the conflict, the role overdose, job experience or absence, the office hours of a day, in order to analyze statistically significant variable.

      • 중학교 과학수업에서 수행평가 효과에 대한 교사와 학생의 인식

        고경숙 ( Kyoung Sook Ko ),김용진 ( Yong-jin Kim ) 경상대학교 교육연구원(구 경상대학교 중등교육연구소) 2020 중등교육연구 Vol.32 No.2

        본 연구는 경상남도에 위치한 중학교의 과학교사 49명과 학생 772명을 대상으로 수행평가에 대한 인식을 설문 조사하고 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 교사와 학생들은 과학 탐구력과 학업성취도 향상에 수행평가의 효과가 높은 것으로 인식하고 있었다. 교사들은 평가 시간의 부족, 학습 진도 부담, 학생 수의 과다로 인한 수행평가의 어려움을 호소하였으며, 평가의 공정성과 객관성을 구현하기 위해 많이 노력하고 있다. 교사들의 수행평가 실행 능력을 향상시키기 위해서는 학교 현장에서 우수하게 이루어진 실제 수행평가 사례를 소개하여 주는 것이 가장 효과적인 것으로 나타났다. 다수의 학생들은 수행 과제의 내용과 채점 기준에 대해 잘 이해하고 있지만, 성적이 하위 수준인 학생들의 이해도는 낮다. 수행평가를 받을 때, 학생들이 겪는 큰 어려움은 역할을 수행하지 않는 모둠원이 있다는 것이며, 수행활동에 필요한 기능을 평가 이전에 충분히 배우지 못하고 있다는 것이다. 따라서 수행평가의 개선을 위해서는 수행평가 사례를 이용한 교사 연수의 실행과 함께 학생 참여형 수업과 수행평가 운영이 연계되도록 할 필요가 있다. This study surveyed and analyzed the perception of performance assessment among 49 science teachers and 772 students in middle schools located in Gyeongsangnam-do. As a result of the study, teachers and students recognized that the effectiveness of the performance evaluation was high in scientific exploration and improvement of academic achievement. Teachers complained of difficulties in performance assessment due to lack of assessment time, burden of learning progress, and excessive number of students, and are making great efforts to realize fairness and objectivity in evaluation. In order to improve teachers' ability to conduct performance assessment, it has been shown that it is most effective to introduce actual performance assessment cases that have been performed well at school sites. Many students have a good understanding of the content and grading criteria of their performance assignments, but the level of understanding among those with lower grades is low. The great difficulty that students face in performance assessment is that there is a group member that does not play a role, and that they do not learn the functions required for performance activities before the assessment. Therefore, to improve performance assessment, it is necessary to link student participatory classes to performance assessment operations with the implementation of teacher training using performance assessment cases.

      • KCI등재

        자화지정 메탄올추출물의 항산화효능에 관한연구

        고경숙 ( Kyoung Sook Ko ) 한국미용학회 2012 한국미용학회지 Vol.18 No.5

        The results of extracting viola mandshurica with methanol and measuring soluble yield, total polyphenol, content of flavonoid, ABTS radicals scavenging and SOD-like activity are as follows. The soluble yield of viola mandshurica extract was 12.85%, polyphenol content was 17.9±1.93 mg/g, and the total flavonoid content was 21.83±0.02 mg/g. The test concentration of viola mandshurica extract was set as 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 mg/mL for measuring ABTS radicals scavenging by setting trolox, the analogue of vitamin E, as the standard value of antioxidant activity coefficient. The result showed that radical scavenging gradually increased with 20.41±0.68~83.35±.025% as concentration increases, and viola mandshurica has high radical scavenging activity at the concentration of 1~10 mg/mL. The test concentration was set as 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 mg/mL for measurement of SOD-like activity like those of ABTS radical scavenging measurement. The result showed 21.63~32.8% of activity, and potential for development into antioxidant in future was found by showing a concentration-dependent relationship of resulting increase in SOD-lie activity when concentration of viola mandshurica increases.

      • KCI등재

        황금(黃芩) 추출물의 항산화 활성 및 세포독성 연구

        고경숙(Kyoung-Sook Ko) 한국인체미용예술학회 2013 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        This research, in an attempt to determine the antioxidant activity of Scutellaria baicalensis extract, extracted 99% ethane with post-extraction retention measured at 2.05%. In addition the total polyphenol content in 1 ㎎/㎖ was analyzed to be 61.58±0.07㎎(GAE)/g and flavonoid content was found to be 357.17±5.48 ㎎(TAE)/g. The result of ABTS radical elimination ability measurement showed Vit C measuring at 95.8±0.80%. In extraction from Scutellaria baicalensis, the ability of Scutellaria baicalensis extract ABTS to eliminate at 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000 ㎍/㎖ concentration each showed 10.11±0.25%, 24.89±0.44%, 41.80±1.32%, 90.94±0.10%, 95.19±0.059% concentration, an interdependent increase. In measuring the results of the elimination ability of the DPPH radical, Vit C had an elimination ability of 94.9±0.08% and the gold extract for each concentration with the following increase 10.84±2.10%, 57.29±0.83%, 86.81±0.80%, 97.35±0.10% 97.35±0.14% antioxidant activity also increased confirming that the Scutellaria baicalensis extract possesses similar antioxidant capacity. In low concentration, the cell survival rate result was high, confirming cytotoxicity to be low. Based on the results of this research, the contents can be utilized as vital basic data in the development of natural functional skin-care product materials utilizing Scutellaria baicalensis extracts.

      • KCI등재후보

        고대에서 중세까지 한국과 일본의 傳統 髮形 비교 연구 : 고려시대·가마쿠라시대까지

        고경숙(Kyoung Sook Ko) 한국인체예술학회 2009 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        The hair styles of Korea from the ancient period to Goryeo period and Kamakura period of Japan were looked into to examine the origin and changes of the hair styles of korea and Japan. During these periods, various types of hair styles were development in both nations, and there existed similar hair styles from the influence of the Tang Dynasty as well as unique hair styles from the cultural difference. The study results are as follow. 1. It was revealed that there was the method of binding hair for everyday life conveniences and the difference in hair styles according to the social status in the hair styles of both nations. 2. It was revealed that the hair styles of Korea since its ancient period to the period of the Three States continued on to Goryeo period. 3. The male in Korea put on 'Jo-Woo-Kwan', the male in Japan put on 'O-Mo-Ja'. The forms and names are different but it is same that males of both countries put on a officail hat, and women used a bead and jade. 4. It was revealed that the hair styles of both nations were expressed through the fusion of the culture of the Tang Dynasty and there were identical hair types such as the type of doing two topknots on top of head, the type of doing one big topknot, the type of making circle form around ears, the type of hanging down hair on the both left and fight cheeks, and the type of shaving the part from front to the crown.

      • KCI등재

        퍼머넌트와 염색 연결시술시 정향트리트먼트 적용시점에 따른 모발보호효과

        박미나ㆍ정지영ㆍ고경숙(Mi na ParkㆍJee Young JungㆍKyoung sook Ko) 한국인체미용예술학회 2016 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        This study attempted to determine the effects of hair protection by investigating the characteristics and possibilities of hair cosmetics using the hot water extracts of Syzygium aromaticum and then hair-protection effects were confirmed through pre-treatment and post-treatment at consecutive chemical treatments. At the consecutive chemical treatments, the general treatment was divided into pretreatment(N1) and general treatment post-process(N2). Then, the Syzygium aromaticum-based treatment was divided into pre-treatment(J1) and post processing(J2). According to the analysis, tensile strength was the highest in the Syzygium aromaticum extract treatment group. At consecutive treatments, ‘J2’ which processed treatment for Syzygium aromaticum, was the highest. In terms of hair thickness, the Syzygium aromaticum group was greater than the general treatment group. When measured to determine the morphological characteristics of ‘Hair’ at 20,000 magnifications using SEM, the Syzygium aromaticum extract post-treatment group (J2) revealed the highest value (373.98±10.83㎚). Regarding hair composition under the EDS, Syzygium aromaticum extract post-treatment group was the highest with 07.77% interms of sulfur content. The results confirmed that Syzygium aromaticum extract treatment is extremely effective in easing hair damage which is caused by consecutive dyeing after permanent. Therefore, the Syzygium aromaticum extract treatment would be effective in preventing hair damage and keeping hair healthy and glossy.

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