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      • KCI등재
      • 1960年代 都市 勤勞者 家口의 所得의 分析

        姜善子 慶北大學校 1973 論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        1. The object of this study is to analyse the trend of the income of Korean households in the 1960's. 2. The scope of this study is concentrated to quantitative survey of the economic status of salary and wage earner households in all cities of Korea from 1963 to 1969. 3. This study was mainly conducted by using a method of time-series analysis to understand the general trend and the internal structure of the household incom. All nominal income was transformed to real income by using consumer price indexes. The source of raw data on household income was the EPB's "Annual Report on the Family Income and Expenditure Survey, 1971". 4. Conclusion 1) The real income of Korean households has rapidly increased in concert with suddenly rising national income and index numbers of industrial production during the 1960's. 2) The internal structure of real income has revealed that the weight of earnings has much decreased and that of other income has much increased as a source of the family income and that earners per household have also increased. 3) The real disposable income has continuously increased but its rate to total real income has rapidly decreased in the last half decade. 4) According to the study the writer can tell that the family income has rapidly increased but its internal structure seemed to be unstable in the 1960's.

      • 家庭經濟에 있어서의 合理的인 食料費 支出에 關한 硏究

        姜善子 慶北大學校 師範大學 1971 敎育硏究誌 Vol.13 No.-

        1. Objectives of Research The main purpose of this study is to rationalize home economics and to secure the health conditions of family. 2. Contents of Research The contents of this study is to find the best Korean diet which can satisfy all nutrition requirements and concurrently to minimize the expenditure for food which form the major portion of family budget. 3. Methods of Research a) The price of foods was investigated at the five markets of Taegu city during April, 1970 and 42 foods were selected finally. b) The kind of nutritions and health standards were based upon "the Korean Nutrition Recommendations, 1969". The nutritional composition of foods was mainly referred to "the Korean Foods Nutritive Value Sheet." c) Three sets of nutrition matrix were made with the above data and two of them were solved by the use of simplex tableau and PROGRAM 3 showed the optimal solution to the nutrition problem by a computer. 4. Results of Research a) The results of this study make it possible not only to rationalize home economics, but also to indicate the best diet as a way of improving health conditions. b) Barley is the most economic and nutritions as a single food. Therefore, it is necessary both in the economic and national health aspects to convert the eating habits from rice to mixed food such as barley, foxtail millet and soybean. 3) It is urgent to study the way of feeding our people with cheaper protein. 5) Applications The results of this study will be useful .to avert malnutrition and improve health especially in lower income class and to show a guideline to nutrition balance in higher income class.

      • KCI등재

        『집에서 동물원에서』에 나타난 동물성의 의의

        강선자 세계문학비교학회 2019 世界文學比較硏究 Vol.66 No.-

        At Home At the Zoo is a full-length play that uses The Zoo Story as its second act. Having long thought that the character of Peter needed more explanation, Albee wrote a first act Homelife, which takes places in the home of Peter and his wife. In At Home At the Zoo Albee explores the animal instinct in humanity and dramatizes the importance of genuine communication. Through Ann and Jerry's dog story, animality enters Albee's play. So we can easily find out that animals are ubiquitous and virtually interchangeable in At Home At the Zoo. Peter, who "look〔s〕like an animal man," becomes the dog to Jerry. While the dog's hostility is at the surface of his animality, Peter's hostility is calculatedly aroused by Jerry after he tells the dog story. Jerry paces and circles like a free animal, whereas Peter is a keeper of pets. At Home At the Zoo implies that men are animals beneath the illusion of civilization, using words and knives instead of fangs and claws. And by “checking bleeding” they can finally recover the animality and reach each other. Albee has suggested throughout his career that the value of living authentically lies in the immersing of oneself into the process of communication honestly with another. The theme of animal vitality lies in the center of the play. 『집에서 동물원에서』는 올비가 자신의 처녀작 『동물원 이야기』를 수정 보완한 작품이다. 『동물원 이야기』는 제리와 피터라는 두 남성이 등장하지만 대사가 제리에게 편중되어 있어 피터는 수동적인 청자에 가깝다. 또한 제리의 과거와 현재는 자세히 드러나 있지만 피터의 사생활은 거의 알려져 있지 않다. 올비는 오랫동안 피터라는 인물의 부족한 부분을 보충하기 위해 수정작업을 해왔고, 마침내 50여년이 흐른 뒤 『집에서 동물원에서』를 완성한다. 올비는 1막에 피터가 아내 앤과 대화하는 장면을 삽입하고 「가정생활」이라는 부제를 붙인 후, 『동물원 이야기』는 2막으로 삽입한다. 이로써 앤과의 대화에서 피터의 과거가 드러나고 이것은 2막에서 일어날 일에 대한 충분한 근거를 제공한다. 올비는 『집에서 동물원에서』에서 피터를 중심으로 과도한 문화와 관습이 인간의 동물적 본성을 억압하고 통제하고 있음을 나타낸다. 그의 삶에서 동물적 본성은 억압당하며 철저하게 이성과 질서가 그의 삶 전반을 지배하고 있다. 피터는 대학시절의 충격적인 경험 이후 남성으로서 자신의 동물적 본성을 스스로 억압하며 위축된 삶을 살아왔다. 이런 삶은 결혼이후에도 지속되었고 결국 아내 앤의 불만을 초래하는 결과를 낳는다. 문화란 인간의 동물적인 본능을 길들이는 과정이다. 그러므로 이 과정에서 동물적 본성을 지키고자 하는 자의 저항과 분노가 일어나게 마련이고 심하게는 폭력의 과정도 일어날 수 있다. 따라서 센트럴 파크에서 피터와 제리의 만남 그리고 제리의 폭력적인 행동은 피터의 동물적 본성을 회복시키기 위한 당연한 과정이었다고 볼 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        국민학교 음악감상교육 실태조사 연구

        강선자 한국음악교육학회 1987 음악교육연구 Vol.6 No.-

        Man is gifted with a favorable talent for music by nature. The Music appreciation makes him aware of the potential instinct for music in this human talent. Besides it is nature that the music appreciation obtain an important position on the school music education. However the actual condition of music education in the elementry school is based to singing song, playing the musical instruments, and learning theories of music, accordingly they are negligent of learning the music appreciation to no small degree. There fore We aim how the conditions as follows have an influence on appreciation education; the musical environment, the facilities and materials for music appreciation, the musical activities and experiences of teachers and children, the course of teaching-learning in music appreciation, the contents of teaching materials and the selection of them, the opportunities of music appreciation. The main points are as follows. The questionnair says that the facilities for learning the music appreciation and the feaching materials are insufficient for the most part, consequently it is difficult to practice learning the music appreciation satisfactorily. Teachers are mostly lack of the quality and experience for music. They have troble to instruct children due to the negligence of development of appreciative ability. What is worse, they shrink back the instruction of music appreciation. Besides there is much to be desired to teacher`s research and instruction on an appreciative priece in advance, students take a slight interest in it. Owing to the negligence of teacher`s and children`s opportunities of it, the condition takes a tum for the worse. In order that the above-mentioned problems may be improved and solved, and the appreciation education may be realized still more difficiently and normally, the following arrangements must be necessary. The education and school authorities ought to make a positive support and cooperation and practice the system of the exclusive responsibility on the course of music study, teachers ought to exert themselves to self-study for developing the musicality of teachers and students as soon as possible.

      • KCI등재

        예비창업자의 심리적 특성, 창업준비 특성이 창업의도에 미치는 영향

        강선자,변상해 한국벤처창업학회 2017 벤처창업연구 Vol.12 No.4

        There are many people who start business because of unstable employment due to income polarization. There are many people who start business because of unstable this study is to present the necessary situation and direction for the prospective founders who are hesitant to start their own business by lacking self - confidence and information about Preparing for start-up the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of pre - founder `s psychological characteristics and start - up preparation characteristics on entrepreneurship intention. In order to conduct this study, 144 male and 114 female who were temporary workers and about to retire were analyzed for validity and reliability using 258 questionnaires. As a result of analyzing the adjustment effect of entrepreneurship education as an interaction term in the psychological characteristics and the preparation characteristics of the entrepreneurship, the risk taking tendency and the preparation period for entrepreneurship were significant for entrepreneurship education. In addition, the greater the necessity and importance of entrepreneurship education, the greater the effect on entrepreneurship education. It is a meaningful study that can give confidence to the subjects who want to start a business but are afraid of failure. This study is expected to contribute to the government 's start - up policy by analyzing the influence of pre - founders on the intention of start - up. 우리나라는 글로벌 금융위기 이후 저성장과 경기 침체로 인해 고용의 불안이 증가되면서 창업으로 이어지는 사람들로 많아지고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 앞으로 창업을 하고자하는 예비창업자들에게 필요한 상황과 방향을 제시하고자 한다. 연구의 목적은 예비창업자의 심리적 특성, 창업준비 특성이 창업의도에 미치는 영향에 대하여 규명하고자 한다. 본 연구를 하기 위해 인천지역 직장인의 고용에 불안한 비정규직과 퇴직을 앞둔 남성 144명과 여성 114명으로 설문조사 258개 데이터 사용하여 타당도와 신뢰도를 분석 하였다. 연구결과 예비창업자의 심리적 특성과 창업준비 특성에서 창업교육의 조절효과를 상호작용으로 투입 분석한 결과 위험감수성향과 창업준비 기간이 창업교육에 유의한 결과로 나타났다. 또한 창업교육의 필요성과 중요성을 높게 인식할수록 창업교육에 미치는 영향은 높은 것으로 나타났다. 창업을 하고 싶지만 실패에 대한 두려움을 가진 조사 대상자들에게도 자신감을 줄 수 있는 의미 있는 연구라 할 수 있다. 앞으로 예비창업자들에게 창업의도에 미치는 영향을 분석 창업을 하기 전 자신감을 부여하며 정부의 창업제도 정책에 기여할 것으로 기대한다.

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