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      • French observations of America: Intercultural commentary in the Age of Revolution (Abbe Raynal, J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur, Francois Jean, marquis de Chastellux, Jacques-Pierre Brissot de Warville)

        Moore, Andrew P The Catholic University of America 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 3902

        This dissertation examines what French intellectuals observed and wrote about America in the period between the American and French revolutions. It seeks to understand how the French viewed America, not necessarily for what America actually was, but rather for what they imagined and expected it to be. In doing so, this study examines how observations of America reflected the conflicts and commonalties of the French Enlightenment and the changing political culture in pre-Revolutionary France. A study of this nature necessarily relies on certain key texts, that is, published observations of America that particularly captured readers' attention in the 1770s and 1780s. The first of these texts is Abbe Raynal's bestseller, A Political and Philosophical History of the Settlements and Trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies. The second text is J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur's Letters from an American Farmer. Its pre-Romantic descriptions of American life appealed to French readers longing for details of Americans' religious tolerance, rustic simplicity and idealized liberty. The third text is Travels in North America in the Years 1780, 1781, and 1782, by the Academician Marquis de Chastellux, and recounts his experiences as the second-in-command to Rochambeau during America's revolutionary war. Travels inspired the radical journalist Jacques-Pierre Brissot de Warville to commence a pamphlet war against Chastellux for his allegedly negative views of American Quakers, enslaved Negroes, and the common people of America. Brissot's interest in negating Chastellux's opinions led to his own trip to the United States in 1788. The fourth text, New Travels in the United States of America, is the product of Brissot's visit and his desire to give the French a guiding example for their own revolutionary struggle. The examination of each writer's life and intellectual formation, as well as close textual analysis of their writings delineates their respective preconceptions, influences and political positions. The synthesis of this information demonstrates how their personal friendships and intellectual rivalries impacted their observations of America and predetermined their opinions about America.

      • Mystagogical Reflection: Ongoing Formation for Extraordinary Ministers of Communion

        Cole, Jessica DePrizio The Catholic University of America 2014 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 3886

        The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Norms for Distribution and Reception of Holy Communion Under Both Kinds in the Dioceses of the United States of America specifically addresses the need for preparation for extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion (EMCs): "Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion should receive sufficient spiritual, theological, and practical preparations to fulfill their role with knowledge and reverence" (Norms, no. 1). The Church is clear that lay ministers of the liturgy should be properly formed. The targeted audience for this project is young adults, the majority of whom are freshmen and sophomores in college. The work of Sharon Daloz Parks, who studies faith development in young adults, is considered. Parks recognizes that young adults need a period of questioning and "probing commitment" before a maturity and depth of faith is realized. In order to provide a fruitful space for this "probing commitment" to occur, the primary principle of design for this project is andragogy, an adult learning model that is life-centered and experience based. Mystagogical reflection, a form of ongoing post-baptismal catechesis and a methodology that gives particular credence to one's experience of the sacraments, provides a fruitful means of ongoing spiritual formation for the EMC via the adult learning model. Reflection upon one's experience of the Eucharist and one's experience of the ministry offers an untapped resource for reflection and growth for the young adult EMC. This program was designed for young adult EMCs at The Catholic University of America. Four ongoing formation sessions were held throughout the academic year to which new EMCs were expected to attend. Feedback and evaluation materials at the completion of the four sessions demonstrate that the program of mystagogical reflection had positive results. Participants reported gaining a deeper understanding of the Eucharist as well as of their ministry. Additionally, the program was effective in assisting the participants in moving toward a more mature faith. Results indicate that mystagogical reflection is a dynamic resource for the maturing faith of young adults.

      • Beh Isho' Kamulaya's Syriac discourses on the monastic way of life: Edition, English translation, and introduction

        Blanchard, Monica Joan The Catholic University of America 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 3886

        The Catholic University of America's Institute of Christian Oriental Research (ICOR) owns a small Syriac manuscript which has not previously been studied. Incomplete at beginning and end, it contains six discourses (mêmrê) on the monastic way of life, part of a collection of “Chapters of Knowledge” (rišê d'īdā'tâ), and the first lines of a poem (madrāšâ), all of which are attributed to an East Syrian monk, one Beh Isho` Kamulaya, who may have flourished in the late eighth century. Beh Isho` and his book on monastic life are mentioned in the late thirteenth century Syriac catalog of the library of `Abdisho` bar Berikâ (d. 1318), also a member of the Syriac-speaking Assyrian Church of the East. Catholic University ICOR Syriac MS 18 preserves the only copy of Beh Isho`s works known to exist in an ancient Syriac manuscript. In 1996, at the Uppsala Symposium Syriacum, Johannes Sanders announced the discovery of the works of Beh Isho` Kamulaya under the name of Mar Bishoi, in Trichur MS 16, a modern codex in the library of the Metropolitan see of the Church of the East, in Trichur, Kerala, India. The Trichur manuscript, as described by Sanders, shows close parallels with the contents of the CUA manuscript. The Trichur codex also contains a lengthy biography of Bishoi, which turns out to be a reworking of the Syriac Life of one of the legendary founders of the monasteries of the Egyptian Wadi Natrun, none other than Abba Bishoi as he is known in his Syriac guise, or in Coptic, Apa Pshoi or Pishoi. A date no later than the twelfth century and perhaps as early as the ninth or tenth century has been suggested for the CUA manuscript on paleographical grounds. The immediate contribution of this study is to make available to researchers an edition and English translation of the CUA Syriac manuscript. It provides access for the first time to the works of an eighth-century East Syrian monastic writer, previously known to modern scholars only as a name in a thirteenth-century Syriac library catalog. It will serve as the foundation for a critical edition of the works of Beh Isho` Kamulaya.

      • "The Strong Man" and its contexts: An edition, translation, and study of a medieval Welsh morality play

        Campbell, Sarah Beatrice The Catholic University of America 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 3870

        The dissertation is a scholarly edition, translation, and study of a late-medieval Welsh morality play. The play's author and provenance are unknown, but the play itself is found in four manuscripts that can be dated from the mid- to late-sixteenth century. Two manuscripts, Peniarth MS. 56 and Peniarth MS. 65, are in the National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, Wales. One manuscript, Cardiff MS. 2.83, is located in the Cardiff Libraries and Information Service in Cardiff, Wales. The fourth manuscript is a player's roll kept in the Bodleian Library at Oxford University. The dissertation includes a study and description of the manuscripts themselves, the selection of a copytext, Peniarth 65, and an eclectic transcription of the Welsh text with substantive variants given at the bottom of each page. The eclectic transcript has been translated into English, remaining as close to the Welsh text as possible. Notes on the text and a comprehensive glossary are included. In addition to the text itself, there is a study of the contexts of the play first within medieval Welsh drama for which there is a limited corpus so that adding this play, known but barely touched prior to this dissertation, adds significantly to that body of work. Because The Strong Man begins as a morality play but rather idiosyncratically concludes as an interlude that is more secular than moral, both morality plays and interludes are included in the study of genre. The final contextual study is that of placing the text within its historical period and cultural environment. The manuscripts were probably written in Wales during the latter half of the sixteenth century, that is, post-Reformation England, but whether the play itself was written pre-Reformation, that is, late fifteenth or early sixteenth century, is not entirely clear. This dissertation attempts to answer as many questions as possible about the mysteries in and surrounding the play, the region, or the times. At the very least, the dissertation provides a basis for Welsh and English scholars to continue their studies of the genre and the times.

      • The internationalization of higher education : The case of Korean universities

        최준규 The Catholic University of America 2003 해외박사

        RANK : 3870

        This study investigated how internationalization of higher education is understood by various members of Korean universities. Internationalization of higher education is defined as a process of integrating international dimension into teaching, research, and service functions of universities. Four assumptions guided the study. First, individuals and subgroups in universities experience educational activities differently according to their disciplinary and institutional cultures (Clark, 1980). Second, individuals and organizations constantly make choices in order to fulfill their own interests and rewards (Levi, 1997). Third, the world's universities share commonalities in terms of conceptualization and implementation of educational activities for their social legitimacy (Meyer et al, 1997). Finally, educational concepts and practices reflect a nation's specific ideals for teaching and learning which are relatively homogenous within a country, yet distinctive from others (Cummings, 1999). Data were collected from 4 disciplines (Engineering, Natural Science, Business, and Social Science) at 10 four-year universities in Korea. Both questionnaire and interviews were utilized. The questionnaire was administered to 1,488 university members (1,133 students, 156 faculty members, and 202 administrators), while interviews were conducted with 33 people (12 students, 11 faculty members, and 10 administrators). The participants represented diverse disciplines and institutions as well as personal backgrounds, such as gender, age, academic rank, and international experience. The quantitative data from questionnaire surveys were analyzed using frequencies, ranks, and chi-square tests. Qualitative data from interviews were analyzed using an indigenous analysis (Patton, 1990) that focuses on participants' own verbal expressions and identifies emergent themes explored by the participants themselves. The major findings of the study were: (1) Types of profession, discipline, and institution significantly affects how respondents conceive and practice the internationalization of higher education; (2) Internationalization of higher education is viewed by Koreans as a personal rather than a public good; (3) Social legitimacy is an important rationale of Koreans to for internationalization of higher education system; and (4) National cultures impact on perspective and implementation of the internationalization process. The cultural patterns and the conceptual framework of internationalization of Korean higher education are proposed based on the findings of the study and the institutional theories used for its assumptions.

      • Catholic high school principals: A study of principals' motivation, commitment and satisfaction

        Wao, Felix Ogando The Catholic University of America 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 3647

        This study explored the effects of demographic factors and motivation on commitment and satisfaction of Catholic high school principals. Using the Catholic School Leadership Framework (Cirrielo, 1987), this study sought to investigate Catholic high school principals' commitment and satisfaction relative to spiritual, educational and managerial dimensions of Catholic school leadership. A national sample of 767 Catholic high school principals responded to the Catholic High School Principals Survey. This number represents 62.2% of Catholic high school principals in the United States. Data were analyzed using factor analysis, descriptive statistics, ANOVA, correlation analysis and stepwise regression. Findings show that the personal set of demographic characteristics is the most significant predictor set of religious principals' spiritual commitment while the professional set of demographic variables emerged as the most significant predictor of lay principals' educational and managerial leadership. Among the personal demographic variables, religiosity was the most significant predictor of both lay and religious principals' commitment and satisfaction whereas among the professional demographic variables, the number of years as principal in Catholic school was the most significant predictor of commitment and satisfaction. Principals had high levels of mission and professional motivation in deciding to continue as leaders in Catholic high schools. Finally, results indicated a strong positive relationship between principals' commitment and satisfaction. Study results have implications for the future recruitment, preparation and retention of Catholic high school principals. Specifically this study recommends that: (i) the dramatic shift in Catholic high school leadership from religious to lay calls for specific training of new principals regarding issues of religiosity and spiritual leadership and, (ii) there is need to foster collaboration between Catholic high school leaders and Catholic universities and colleges, the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) and local dioceses.

      • Christian baptism: A program for lay leaders in Hispanic ministry in the Archdiocese of Baltimore, Maryland

        Garcia, Avelino The Catholic University of America 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 3646

        The growing Hispanic population in the United States of America presents a challenge to the Catholic Church in terms of providing spiritual care to Hispanic Catholics, especially in view of the shortage of Spanish-speaking priests and the need of pastoral training for Hispanic lay leaders. One area where this need is particularly urgent is the baptismal catechesis of the parents and godparents of children who are to be baptized. Baptism is not only the first Sacrament received by Hispanics, but it is too often the only one they receive. Moreover, the celebration of Baptism often incorporates many elements of religiosidad popular that reinforce the human and biblical value of life in a family supported by an extended community. The purpose of this doctoral project was to design three workshops on the Sacrament of Baptism and to implement and evaluate these workshops in three parishes of the Archdiocese of Baltimore with the hope that these workshops could be used as model by leaders in the Hispanic communities for their own ministries. The project-report has three parts: The first part presents general information about Hispanics in this country and in particular about the sociological-religious situation of Hispanic Catholics in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. The second part is a study of the Catholic theological understanding of the Sacrament of Baptism, and also treats Hispanic devotional traditions associated with the celebration of the Rite of Baptism of Children. The third part describes the implementation of three workshops on Baptism with Hispanic leaders; the implementation stressed not only the Christian meaning of Baptism, but also the beautiful meaning of many Hispanic religious traditions that previously were taken for granted or ignored. The final part of the report contains an evaluation of the program and recommends several changes and adaptations in content, duration and methods for the future implementation of the program according to the actual situations in different parishes. This doctoral project is envisioned as a response to the urgency expressed in many official documents of the U.S. Catholic Bishops about the need within the Church to appreciate and recognize the blessings and values of Hispanics as a great contribution to the Church, especially at this time of globalization and multiculturalism that affect the entire society. This project is also presented in tandem with the message of Pope John Paul II expressed in the document The Church of America, "to construct together one single America," as well as in response to the theme for Encuentro 2000, "Many Faces in God's House: A Catholic Vision for the Third Millenium.". Finally, it is hoped that the findings derived from the sociological and religious study of Hispanics in the Archdiocese of Baltimore will be used for similar projects elsewhere in planning and implementing pastoral plans and religious programs for Hispanics and other ethnic groups in the Church.

      • Cesar Chavez and the Catholic Civil War, 1965--1977 (California)

        Prouty, Marco Glen The Catholic University of America 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 3646

        This dissertation examines the 1965--1977 Catholic Civil War between a union of predominately Catholic farmworkers, led by a devout Catholic named Cesar E. Chavez, and Catholic produce growers in California. During the latter half of the conflict, the U.S. Catholic Church, through the work of the Bishops' Ad Hoc Committee on Farm Labor, made an invaluable contribution to the peaceful resolution of this civil war amongst its faithful. The introduction condenses the essence of my dissertation into less than 20 pages. The first chapter explores the antecedents that facilitated Chavez's initial successes, including the demise of the braceo programs and the emergence of the Civil Rights movement. The second chapter explores the U.S. Catholic bishops' controversial decision to enter the Delano grape dispute, and their success in mediating the clash between the predominately Catholic growers and the overwhelmingly Catholic farmworkers. The third chapter is broken into two parts: the first half provides a broad overview of the 1970--1977 battle between the Teamsters Union and the United Farm Workers (UFW), while the second half focuses on the specific role of the Bishops' Ad Hoc Committee on Farm Labor during the aforementioned "Battle of the Salad Bowl." The final chapter examines why the Catholic Church at the national level appeared to disengage from the farmworkers' cause after 1975, and what factors led to the UFW's degeneration soon thereafter.

      • Catholic hospital resistance to federally regulated labor organization: A moral assessment in light of occupational structure

        Huber, Scott A The Catholic University of America 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 3631

        On July 26, 1974, President Richard Nixon signed Pubic Law 93-360. This legislation, in part, restored federal labor law coverage to the not-for-profit hospital sector; coverage from which the sector had remained exempt since 1947. The enactment of PL 93-360 quickly catalyzed an increase in hospital labor organization initiatives. This new regulatory environment effectively stoked an already smoldering intra-Church dispute concerning the moral legitimacy of administrative resistance to the association of a Catholic hospital's own employees for purposes of collective bargaining. Contributors affiliated with the American Church's longstanding legacy of promoting industrial workers' rights have tended to identify with hospital employees and to interpret the corpus of applicable Catholic social teaching as a mandate for their free association. Those affiliated with the realm of the Church's healing ministry in the U.S. have tended to identify with the hospital, to note the limitations of official teachings, and to view third-party labor entities as threats both to a sacred Christian mission and to the hospital community which works to fulfill it. Within this broader debate, a less overt consideration has received little critical attention within the topical literature: the moral significance of occupational structure in the American hospital industry. After establishing historical-contextual foundations and reviewing the pertinent literature, the dissertation employs credible sociological scholarship to explore the moral relevance of the broader hospital industry's largely standardized workplace environment for the Catholic hospital labor controversy at hand. The study argues that critical social assessment: first, indicates the need for applicable decision-makers to base moral deliberations and judgments concerning resistance not only on the traditional "community-of-service" identity of the Catholic hospital-as-workplace, but on its socially problematic "business-analogous" attributes as well; and second, offers helpful historical-contextual insights into the controversy's opposing Catholic viewpoints.

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