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      • 잎새버섯 優良系統育成과 人工栽培法開發

        정환채 建國大學校 農畜開發大學院 1988 국내석사

        RANK : 250655

        잎새버섯(Grifola frondosa)의 人工栽培法을 開發하기 爲하여 菌系培養 最適條件 究明과 優良系統 選拔 및 多收穫培地 開發試驗을 實施한 結果 1. 잎새버섯 系統別 菌系成長에 適合한 培地는 G. frondosa Agricultural Sciences Institute (ASI) 9001號와 ASI 9004號는 Malt extrect media(MM)에서 ASI 9007號는 Complete media (CM), ASI 9005號와 9009號는 Modified hamada media (MHM) 그리고 ASI 9002號와 ASI 9003號, ASI 9006號 ASI 9008號는 Potato dextrose media (PDM)에서 菌系成長이 良好하였다. 잎새버섯 系統別 菌系培養 適溫은 25℃였으며 培地의 酸度는 G. frondosn ASI 9009號는 ph 6.0 그 외의 系統은 ph 4.0에서 菌系成長이 良好하였다. 3. 톱밥 培地의 最適 水分 含量은 ASI 9002號는 65% 그 외의 系統은 67.5%로 假比重이 0.18g/ccduTdmfEo 菌系成長이 良好하였다. 4. 優良系統 選拔試驗 結果 G. frondosa ASI 9006號가 다른 系統보다 菌系成長 및 初發茸所要日數는 약간 늦은 傾向이었으나 收量이 높고 色擇과 品種이 良好하여 "잎새1號"로 育成되었다. 5. 栽培時 容器의 크기가 3ι였을 때 收量은 높았으나 菌系活着所要日數와 雜菌汚染率 때문에 2ι 容器가 適合하였다. 6. 잎새버섯 Pot培養液 添加材料로는 옥수수皮 10%가 가장 收量이 높았다. 7. 잎새버섯 甁裁培時 添加材料로는 옥수수皮 10%나 米糠15%區가 收量이 가장 높았으며 混用時보다 單用時 收量이 높았다. 8. 잎새버섯 톱밥培地 製造時 最適培地는 참나무톱밥 75%에 포플러톱밥 25%를 混合한후 옥수수皮를 10% 添加하였을 때 收量이 높았다. This study was carried out to develop artificial culture method of Grifola frondosa. Study was emphasized on the characteristics of mycelial growth, selection of superior strain and selection of sawdust media for optimum growth. 1. Optimum media for mycelial growth of the strains of G. frondosa were as follows; Agricultural Sciences Institute (ASI) 9001 and 9004, ASI 9007, ASI 9005 and ASI 9009, ASI 9002, and ASI 9003 and ASI 9006 and ASI 9008 were maltextrect media(MM), complete media(CM), modified hamada media(MHM) and potato dextrose media (PDM), respectively. 2. Optimum tempetature for mycelial growth of G. frondosa was 25℃. G. frondosa ASI 9009 showed good mycelial growth at pH 6.0 and mycelial growth of others was excellent at pH 4.0. 3. G. frondosa ASI 9002 showed excellent growth at 65.0% of moisture content, other strains were good at 67.5%. Mycelia growed fastest at bulk density of 0.18g/cc. 4. Though G. frondosa ASI 9006 was a little late in mycelial growth and first pinhead formation. It was breeded as "Lpsae#1" because it had high yields, good color and qualuty as results of selection test of good strain. 5. Although yield was highin 3.0 liters container, 2.0 liter contaniner was proved suitable with a view to days for full mycelial growth and fungal contamination ratio. 6. When G. frondosa was cultivated in pots, addition of 10% corn waste showed the highest yields as adding meterials. 7. When G. frondosa was grown in bottle. 10%(v/v) corn wasteadded plot and 15% rice bran-treated plot as adding materials were most excellent in yields. Yields were high in separately treated plots than in mixed plots. 8. When G. frondosa was cultivated in sawdust medium mixing ratio of oak sawdust : poplar sawdust : corn waste (75:25:10) showed the highest yields.

      • 韓牛의 頸靜脈 및 尾靜脈血에 關한 血液成分의 比較硏究

        김오섭 建國大學校 農畜開發大學院 1987 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        本 調査는 1987年 9月10圈부터 10月6日 사이에 江原道內 純粹 韓牛血統 保存地域에서 飼育되어지고 있는 18個月에서 28個月令의 韓牛中 숫소 30頭와 非姙娠된 암소 30頭를 對象으로 간질症檢査와 住血原蟲檢査를 實施하여 異常이 없는 것으로 나타난 즉, 臨床的으로 健康하다고 判定된 韓牛를 選擇하여 頸靜脈血 및 尾靜脈血의 血液學値, 血液化學値 및 血淸酵素値를 調査한 바 다음과 같은 結論을 얻었다. 1. 頸靜脈血과 正中尾靜脈血에 對한 血液學値, 血液化學値 및 血淸酵素値를 比較分析하였던바 兩 脈管血의 사이에는 5% 水準의 危險率이었으므로 統計的으로 有意差를 認定할 수 없었다. 따라서 正中尾靜脈血도 頭靜脈血과 같이 臨床檢査에 使用 可能한 것으로, 思料되었다. 2. 頸靜脈 以外의 採血方法으로서 耳靜脈, 乳靜脈에서도 採血을 하고 있으나, 正中尾靜脈 採血은 他 部位의 採血法에 比하여 極히 容易하였으며 特히, 集團檢診時 等의 採血 및 尾靜脈 注射의 應用이 臨床的으로 쉽고 簡單하게 할 수 있어 採血牛에 對한 恐怖心 및 Stress 除去의 面에서도 有益한 方法으로 認定되었다. This experiment was performed in order to compare the components bet ween jugular and coccygel venous blood in Korean native cattle. Sixty bovines of 18-28 month were used in this study. The comparison was made between the level of 19 components in the venous blood obtained from the jugular vein and those in the coccygeal vein. The components were examined, 7 components of hematological values, 9 components of blood chemistry values and 3 components of serum enzyme values. The results obtained were summarized as follows ; (1) There was no significant difference at 5 % level in any of these components between the blood of the two parts. Therefore, the median coccygeal vein seemed to be available as a site of sampling for laboratory tests. (2) When the cattle were in milking sheds or houses, blood sampling from the tail was easier than that from the neck.

      • Holstein種의 牛乳蛋白質型과 産乳量에 關한 硏究

        신인식 建國大學校 農畜開發大學院 1987 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        本 實驗은 忠淸南道 瑞山郡 聖淵面 吾沙星 山51香池에 位置한 瑞山農林高等擧校 附屬牧場에서 飼育중인 Holstein牛 32頭( 1-4産)의 牛乳蛋白質 遺傳變異體와 産乳量과의 關係를 調査하고자 建國大擧校 畜産大擧 乳加工 實驗室에서 Casein, Whey-protein의 arch - Urea - gel electrophoresis로 遺傳變異體를 調査하고 産乳量과의 相關性을 比較檢討한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. Holstein種의 牛乳 蛋白質 遺傳變異體는 Casein에서 αs_(1) -CN BB型이 93.75%, BC型이 6.25%이었고 β-CN型은 AA型 96.88%, AB型 3.12%이었으며 k-CN型은 AA型 59.38% AB型 37.50%, BB型 3. 12%였다. Whey-protein의 遺傳變異體는 β-LG AA型 18.75% AB型 53.13% BB型 28.12%로 각각 나타났다. 2. k -CN型의 遺傳變異體別 産有量은 年平均 k-CN AA型 4,519kg AB型 5,311kg BB型 4,460kg으로 K-CN AB型이 總平均 乳量보다 10.32%가 많았고 다음으로 AA型, AB型 順이었다. 3. β-LG型의 遺傳變異體別 産乳量은 年平均 β-LG AA型 4,770kg AB型 5,013kg BB型 4,467kg으로 β-LG AB型이 總平均 乳量보다 4.13% 많았고 다음으로 AA型 BB型 順이었다. 4. k-CN型의 遣傳變異體와 β-LG型의 遺傳變異體가 hetero인 경우 (k-CN AB型, β-LG AB型 )는 調査頭數의 21.88%이었고 年平均 産乳量은 5,620kg으로 總平均乳量보다 16.74% 많았고 k-CN型 遣傳變異體가 hetero (K-CN AB型)이고 β-LG型의 遺傳變異體가 homo인 경우 ( β-LG AA, β-LG BB型 ) 年平均 産乳量은 4,878kg이었고, k-CN型 遺傳變異體가 homo ( K-CN AA, K-CN BB型 )이고 β-LG型 遺傳變異體가 hetero ( β-LG AB型 ) 인 경우 年平均産乳量은 4,818kg이었으며 K-CN型 遺傳變異體와 β-LG型 遺傳變異體가 모두 homo인 경우 年平均産乳量은 4,214kg으로 總平均 産乳量의 87.53%에 불과하였다. 5. αs_(1)·CN型의 遺傳變異體와 β-CN型의 遺傳變異體間의 年平均 産乳量 比較는 事例數가 풍부하지 못하여 結論을 내기가 어러웠다. This experiment was performed to investigate the relationship on milk protein Variants and milk yields from 32 individual Holstein Cattle rearing in Seosan Agricultural highschool by means of thin starch-urea-gel elect-rophoretic method. The results abtained were as fellows. 1. In Holstein Cattle, genetic variants ratio of milk protein was :BB 93.75%, BC 6.25 % in αs_(1) -CN and AA 96.88 %, AB 3.12 % in β-CN and AA 59.38 %, AB37.50%, BB 3.12% in K-CN and AA 18.75%, AB 53.13 %, BB 28.12% in β-LG. 2. Milk yields of each genetic variant of K-CN were :K-CN AA 4,519 kg , K-CN AB 5,311 kg, K-CN BB 4,460 kg. Therefore milk yields took the order of AB>AA> BB and those of AB were 10.32 % higher than total average milk yields. 3. Milk yields of each genetic variant of B-LG were : β-LGAA 4,770 kg, β-LG AB 5.013kg. β-LG BB 4,467kg. Therefore milk yields took the order of AB>AA>BB and those of AB were 4.13 % higher than total average milk yields. 4. In case both K-CN and β-LG were hetero type, the ratio was 21.88 % and milk yields were 5,620 kg, higher most of all. Therefore it was 16.74 % higher than total average milk yields. On the other hand milk yields were 4,878 kg in case K-CN was hetro and β-LG was homo, 4,818 kg in case K-CN was homo and β-LG was hetro, in case both the two genetic variants were homo, the average milk yields were 4,214 kg, lower most of all, (87.53% of the total average : milk yields) 5. It was difficult to conclude about the relationship on the average milk yields of αs_(1)-CN genetic variants and β-CN genetic variants because of the experimental cuttle were not rich.

      • 國産 飼料資源의 利用에 關한 硏究 : 大麥이 돼지의 肉質에 미치는 影響

        한면수 建國大學校 農畜開發大學院 1987 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        돼지의 肉質에 미치는 大麥의 影響을 調査하기 위하여 平均體重 76kg정도의 三元交雜種 (Landrace × Large white × Hampshire) 195頭를 選拔하여 基礎飼料와 基礎飼料에서 옥수수의 l0%(10 %大麥飼料) 그리고 20 %를 보리로 代置한 飼料(20 %大麥飼料)를 38 日間 給與하였다. 試驗飼育開始 및 終了體重, 飼料攝取量, 試驗飼育期間中 榮養素와 에너지의 消化率이 測定되었다. 試驗終了後 各 豚房에서 무작위로 5頭를 선정하여 總 45頭에 對하여 各各 屠體重, 일곱번째, 열번째, 맨 마지막늑골두위에서의 등지방두께와 열번째늑골부위에서의 등심단면적이 測定되었다. 試驗飼料를 給與한 돼지사이에 有意差는 發見되지 않았으나 20 % 大麥飼料를 給與하면 基礎飼料 및 10 %大麥飼料를 給與한 돼지에 比해 增體量은 낮아지고 飼料要求率이 높아지는 傾向이 있었다. 粗蛋白質消化率은 基礎飼料를 給與한 돼지에서 63.0 %였고 10 %大麥飼料 및 20 %大麥飼料를 給與한 돼지에서 各各 68.2 및 67.1 %로 增加하는 傾向이 있었다. 粗脂肪의 消化率은 試驗飼料給與區에 관계없이 35.3∼36.8 %로 서로 비슷하였다. 그러나 조섬유의 消化率은 20 %大麥飼料를 給與한 것이 31.4 %로서 基礎 및 10 %大麥飼料를 給與한 것의 40.6 및 40.7 %에 比해 낮아지는 傾向을 나타내었다. 可溶無窒素物의 消化率은 80∼84 %로 各 試驗區間에 뚜렷한 傾向이 없었다. 可消化에너지값은 基礎飼料가 g當 3.001 Kcal였으나 10 %大麥飼料는 3.252, 20 %大麥飼料는 3.240 Kcal로 增加하는 傾向이 있었다. 枝肉率 및 精肉率은 基礎飼料와 l0 %大麥飼料給與區사이에는 差異가 없었으며 20 %大麥飼料를 給與한 區에서 높아지는 傾向을 나타내었다. 평균등지방두께는 20 %大麥飼料를 給與한 돼지가 2.59 cm로 基礎飼料를 給與한 것의 2.82cm, 10 %大麥飼料를 給與한 것의 2.73cm 보다 현저하게 얇았다. 숫돼지의 枝肉率 및 精肉率도 20 %大麥飼料를 給與하면 다른 飼料를 給與한 것에 比해서 높아지는 傾向이 있었으며, 평균등지방두께 및 열번째늑골부위의 등지방두께는 基礎飼料를 給與한 것에 比해 大麥飼料를 給與한 것에서 모두 얇았다. 암돼지에서는 枝肉率은 73.7∼73.9 %로서 各 試驗區間에 差異가 없었으나 精肉率은 20 %大麥飼料를 給與한 것이 2.54cm로 基礎飼料의 2.61cm, 10 %大麥飼料의 2.72cm에 比해 얇아지는 경향을 나타내었다. 以上과 같이 20 %大麥飼料를 給與하면 基礎飼料를 給與한 것에 比해 枝肉率, 등심단면적 및 精肉率이 增加하였고 10 %大麥飼料를 給與하었을 때는 돼지의 生産性에 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 大麥은 飼料中 10 %까지는 利用이 可能하며 肉質改善 目的으로 使用可能한 國産飼料資源이라는 것이 示唆되었다. In order to investigate an effect of a domestic barley on the carcass characteristics of pigs, (three way cross bred pigs Landrace X Large white X Hampshire) fed on a commercial diet until about 70kg were allotted to 17-23 pigs per pen and three pens per a diet, and then were fed on a commercial normal (basal) diet and diets substituted 10% (10% barley diet) or 20% (20% barley diet) of the domestic barley with yellow corn of the basal diet during 38 days of experimental feeding period. Digestibility of nutrients and energy of diets were measured during experimental period. And carcass dressing rate, loin eye area, backfat thickness at site of 7th rib, 10th rib and last rib and amount of lean meat were evaluated on 45 pigs chosen randomly 5 pigs per pen after experimental feeding was ended. During experimental feeding period body weight gain and feed conversion were not shown significant differences among pigs, while pigs fed 20% barley diet tended to decrease body weight gain and increase feed conversion compared with those fed basal and 10% barley diets. Pigs fed basal diet digested 63.0% of crude protein which was increased to 67.1 - 68.2% in pigs fed 10% or 20% barley diets. And digestibility of crude fiber in pigs fed 20% barley diet was 31.4% which was lower than those of 40.6-40.7% of pigs fed basal and loo barley diets. Also digestibility of crude fat and nitrogen free extracts (NFE) were in the range of 35.3-36.8% and 80-84%, respectively which were not found any significant differences among experimental diets. In the dry matter basis, basal diet contained 3.001 Kcal of digestible energy per gram which was increased to 3.252 and 3.240 Kcal in the 10 and 20% barley diets, respectively. Although carcass dressing rates and lean meat rates were not found any significant differences between pigs fed basal and 10% barley diets, an increasing tendency of carcass dressing rate and lean meat rate in pigs fed 20% barley diet compared with those of pigs fed basal and 10% barley diets. Average backfat thickness of pigs fed 20% barley diet mearsured at site of 7th rib, 10th rib and last rib was 2.59 cm which was clearly thinner compared with 2.82 and 2.73 cm of pigs fed basal and 10% barley diets, respectively. When castrated barrows were fed 20% barley diet, dressing rate and lean meat percent tended to increase and also, average and 10th rib's backfat thickness in pigs fed barley diets tended to decrease compared with those of pigs fed basal diet. In gilts, dressing rates were in the range of 73.7-73.9% which were not shown any significant differences among experimental diets. But pigs fed 20% barley diet accumulated the highest percent of lean meat among experimental groups and showed 2.54 cm of average backfat thickness which was thinner than those of 2.61cm and 2.72 cm of pigs fed basal and 10% barley diets, respectively. The results indicated that pigs fed barley diet substituted the domestic barley with yellow corn of basal diet increased' dressing rate, loin eye area and lean- meat rate and decreased backfat thickness compared with those of pigs fed basal diet. Then pigs fed the domestic barley will be improved the market carcass quality was suggested.

      • 産鷄卵에 있어서 彊制換羽方法이 産鷄卵에 미치는 영향

        박경재 建國大學校 農畜開發大學院 1987 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        本 硏究는 産卵鷄에 있어서 强制換羽時 回復時日의 長短이 生存率과 産卵率. 卵重等의 經濟性에 미치는 影響에 對해 試驗했다. 供試鷄는 Manina 'White로 360首를 使用하여 絶水絶食法에 依해 强制換羽 시킨 후 回復시키는 期間은 T1, T2, T3,로 區分하여 1986年 10月 10日부터 1987年 4月 30日까지 203日間 調査하였는데 그 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 生存率은 短期回復시킨 區보다 長期回復 시킨 區가 높았다. 2. 産卵率은 短期回復시킨 區가 長期回復 시킨 區보다 높았다. 3. 卵重은 短期回復 시킨 區가 長期回復시킨 區보다 무거웠다. 4. 經濟性은 短期回復시킨 區가 長期回復시킨 區보다 좋았다. 本 試驗 結果 强制換羽를 試圖할때는 長期에 걸쳐 回復 시키는 方法보다는 短期回復 시키는 方法, 즉 2日間 絶水에 l0日間 絶食시키고 3日間隔으로 飼料給與量을 增加시켜 回復시키는 方法이 有利하다. The study was corried out to inestigate the effects of 4 different Force molting Methods on Liveability, Rate of egg production and egg weight after force molting. The hens used in this sutdy were 69 weeks old Manina white. The results obtained in this study summaried as follows: * Liveability of short recover period treatment was higher than that of long recover periods treatment. * Rate of egg production was higher in short recover period treatment than that of long recover period treatment. * Egg weight was heavior in short recover period treatment than that of long recover period treatment. * Gross income over feed cost was highiest in short recover period treatment among four treatment. Based on the results of this study, it is recommended that the most efficient force molting method was withheld of 2 days water and 10 days feed, after that. Increase feed over 3 days interval.

      • 熱處理 決明子의 抽出物이 酵母의 增殖 및 알코올醱酵에 미치는 影響

        송인권 建國大學校 農畜開發大學院 1991 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        決明子(Cassia tora L.)의 熱處理 溫度를 달리한 물 및 알코올 抽出物이 효모(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)의 增殖과 알코올 醱酵에 미치는 影響을 조사하고저 決明子를 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 240℃로 볶은 후 물 또는 알코올(70%)로 抽出한 다음 그 추출물의 농도(0.005, 0.015, 0.045, 0.135%)를 다르게 효모배지에 첨가하고 효모를 접종배양(30℃)하여 효모의 증식과 알코올 발효 효과를 조사하였다. 1. 決明子의 볶음온도가 낮아짐에 따라 효모증식이 억제되며 따라서 酵母 增殖의 억제 현상이 감소되고 25℃ 시험구에서는 대조구보다 1.3배 정도 억제되었고, 200℃ 및 240℃ 시험구에서는 1.1배 정도 增殖이 촉진되는 경향을 나타냈다. 2. 決明子 抽出物의 첨가량이 증가됨에 따라 酵母의 증식은 억제되었고, 대조구보다 첨가구는 매우 감소하였다. 3. 熱處理된 決明子 抽出物은 無處理區보다 알코올 함량이 증가(평균 22.68%) 되었고, 알코올 生産量에 큰 영향을 끼치지 않았으나 대조구에 비하여 75℃ 및 100℃ 시험구에서는 약간 (1.05배) 증가하였다. 4. 각 試驗區의 알코올 醱酵 과정 중 總酸 含量은 볶음온도가 높아짐에 따라 대조구보다 낮았다. The effects of Cassia tora L. extracts varied with the roasting temperature on yeast growth and alcohol fermentation were investigated. The results obtained are summarized as follows. 1. According to increase roasting temperature of Cassia tora L. yeast growth at 25℃ was inhibited 1.3 times than that of and each samples roasted at 200 to 240℃ showed the acceleration effect of yeast growth. 2. According to increase the addition amount of extracts of Cassia tora L. the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was inhibited in all groups compared with control. 3. The extract substance of Cassia tora L. with different roasting temperature not affect to production of alcohol but 1.05 times at 75℃ and 100℃ than control. 4. The total acid among the alcohol fermentation was smaller than control.

      • UHT 加熱方法에 依한 直接式 滅菌牛乳와 間接式 滅菌牛乳의 貯藏中 成分變化에 關한 硏究

        양동훈 建國大學校 農畜開發大學院 1991 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        본 실험은 직접살균방식과 간접살균방식에 의한 UHT 처리후 멸균포장된 시유를 20℃에서 6주간 저장하는 동안의 T.S., 유지방, 유당, 단백질, non-protein nitrogen, hydroxymethylfurfural, ascorbic acid, free fatty acid, pH와 관능검사를 실시하여 비교 평가하였으며 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 직접살균방식에 의한 UHT 처리유의 T.S와 유당만이 저장 1주후 12.3, 4.6%로 간접살균방식의 11.9, 4.5%보다 높았으며 6주간 저장후 두 방식 모두 함량의 변화는 없었다. 2. 직접살균방식에 의한 UHT처리유의 NPN함량은 저장 1주후 0.031%, 6주후 0.039%로 증가하였으며 간접살균방식의 경우 0.029%에서 0.035%로 증가하였다. 3. 직접살균방식에 의한 UHT처리유의 HMF 함량은 저장 1주후 19.56μM/L, 6주후 14.78μM/L로 감소하였으며 간접살균방식의 경우, 18.27μM/L에서 15.54μM/L로 감소하였다. 4. 직접살균방식에 의한 UHT 처리유의 ascorbic acid 함량은 저장 1주후 7.70mg/L, 6주후엔 3.53mg/L로 비교적 급격히 감소하였으며 간접살균방식 역시 5.79mg/L에서 2.97mg/L로 현격히 감소하였다. 처리방식에 따른 ascorbic acid의 초기 함량의 큰 차이가 발견되었다. 5. 직접살균방식에 의한 UHT처리유의 FFA 함량은 저장 1주후 0.76%, 6주후 1.21%로 점차 증가하였으며 간접살균방식은 1.20%에서 1.66%로 증가하였다. 6. 직접살균방식에 의한 UHT처리유의 pH는 저장 1주후 pH6.6, 6주후 pH6.5를 나타냈으며 간접살균방식은 pH6.5에서 pH6.4로 모두 기준 pH 범위를 나타내었다. 7. 저장기간이 경과함에 따라 두 방식 모두 풍미변화가 있었으며 2주후부터 풍미가 저하되기 시작하였다. These studies were carried out to investigate the change of T.S. and three main nutrients(fat, lactose, protein), non-protein nitrogen(NPN), hydroxymethylfurfural(HMF), ascorbic acid, free fatty acid(FFA), pH and sensoric change in direct and indirect UHT sterilized milk that were stored at 20℃ during 6 weeks storage. The results obtained are summarized as follows : 1. The T.S. and lactose content of direct type were indicated 12.3%, 4.6% after 1 week storage and which is higher than 11.9%, 4.5% of indirect type, respectively. There are no changes of the contents of T.S., fat, lactose and protein up to 6 weeks from initial stage. 2. The NPN contents of direct type were increased from 0.031% to 0.039% after 6 weeks storage and indrect type were increased from 0.029% to 0.035N, respectively. 3. The HMF contents of direct type were decreased from 19.56μM/L to 14.78μM/L after 6 weeks storage and indrect type were decreased from 18.27μM/L to 15.54μM/L, respectively. 4. The ascorbic acid contents were decreased from 7.70 mg/L to 3.53 mg/L after 6 weeks storage rapidly and indirect type were decreased from 5.79 mg/L to 2.97 mg/L, respectively. 5. The F. F. A contents of direct type were increased from 0.76% to 1.21% after 6 weeks storage and indirect type were increase 1.20% to 1.66%, respectively. 6. The pH of direct type were decreased from pH 6.6 to pH 6.5 after 6 weeks storage very slowly and indirect type were decrease from pH 6.5 to pH 6.4 respectively. Both samples retained standard pH up to 6 weeks. 7. Flavor and taste change of both samples were observed during 6 weeks storage and deteriorate of flavor and taste of both samples were detected from 2 weeks storage gradually.

      • 江原道地方 山林土壤의 母岩에 따른 地形別 理化學性에 關한 硏究

        정창기 建國大學校 農畜開發大學院 1991 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        江原道地方 山林土壤의 代表約인 物理化學性을 究明하여 林業經營의 基礎 資料를 提供 하고자 江原道 15個郡의 精密山林土壤調査시 採取한 土壤試料 318點을 對象으로 母巖에 따라서 土性, 土壤酸度, 有機物 含量 等 10個 項目을 分析한 結果의 平均値는 다음과 같다. 1) 火成巖의 土性를 모래 52%, 미사 33%, 粘土 15%로 壤土내지 砂壤土였고 堆積巖은 모래 34% , 미사 43%, 粘土 23%로 壤土, 變成巖은 모래 48%, 미사 43%, 粘土 9%로 역시 壤土를 나타냈다. 2) 土壤酸度는 pH 5.O~6.4의 範圍로 酸性을 나타냈으며 , 火成巖은 5.0~5.1, 堆積巖은 5.4~6.4, 變成巖은 5.2~5.4의 範圍였다. 3) 有機物 含量은 全體 平均이 3.8%로서 一般 耕作地의 含量(약2.0%) 보다 높은 편이였고, 變成巖이 4.5%로 가장 높았고, 堆積巖 3.6%, 火成巖 3.2%의 順이었다. 4) 全窒素 含量은 全體平均이 0.17%로서 火成巖이 0.173%, 堆積巖이 0.175%, 變成巖이 0.18%로 變成巖, 堆積巖, 火成巖의 順이었다. 5) 有效燐酸은 全體平均이 19.2ppm 으로 火成巖 22.6, 堆積巖 20.2, 變成巖 14.8ppm 으로 火成巖, 堆積巖, 變成巖의 順이었다. 6) 量이온 置換容量은 全體平均이 11.0me/100g으로 화성암 10.0, 퇴적암 10.6, 변성암 12.4me/100g으로 變成巖, 堆積巖, 火成巖의 順이었다. 7) 置換性加里는 全體平均이 0.23me/100g으로 火成巖 0.17, 변성암 0.25 變成巖 0.27me/100g 으로 變成巖, 堆積巖, 火成巖의 順이었다. 8) 置換性나트륨은 全體平均이 0.13me/100g 으로 火成巖 0.15, 堆積巖 0.16, 變成巖 0.07me/100g으로 堆積巖, 火成巖, 變成巖의 順이었다. 9) 置換性칼슘은 全體平均이 3.16me/100g으로 火成巖 2.29, 퇴적암 4.33 變成巖 2.85me/100g으로 堆積巖, 變成巖, 火成巖의 順이었다. 10) 置換性마그네슘은 全體平均이 1.05me/100g으로 火成巖 0.51, 퇴적암 1.15, 變成巖 1.49me/100g으로 變成巖, 堆積巖, 火成巖의 順이었다. To investigate the reasonable use and the management methods of forest in Kangwon-do area the Physico-chemical properties were analyzed by the parent rocks and the topographies to total 318 soil materials of forest soil of 15 county. The main results obtained from this study are summarized as follow: 1. Physical properties by topographies, soil textures were from loam to silty loam, soil pore spaces were gradually good foot of mountain, middle and peak, soil structure showed the crumb or granular in the foot and the granular, nutty and massive in the middle and peak. 2. Chemical properies by topographies, the foots wire 0.M 6.000%, T.N 0.278%, avai1ab1e P_(2)O_(5) 25.96ppm, C.E.C 11.69me/100g, the middles were 3.537%, 0.160%, 18.07ppm, 11,45me/100g, respectly and the peaks were 1.863%, 0,095%, 13.50ppm, 9.88me/100g respectly. 3. Physical properties by parent rocks, soil textures were from loam to silty loam. soil pore spaces were gradually good metamorphic rock, sedimentary and igneous rock, soil structure showed the crumb granular, nutty and massive and soi1 color showed the brown or dark-red 4. Chemical properties by parent rocks , metamorphic rocks were organic matter content 4,669%, total nitrogen 0.184%, available phosphoric acid 14.79ppm and cation exchangable capacity 12.38me/100g, sedimentaries were 3.636%, 0.175%, 20.16 ppm, 10,62me/100g respectly and igneous rocks were 3.246%, 0.173%, 22.59ppm, 10,01me/100g respectly.

      • 돼지의 分娩誘起에서 Prostaglandin F_(2)α 投與效果

        문영현 建國大學校 農畜開發大學院 1990 국내석사

        RANK : 250639

        本 實驗은 1988年 9月부터 1990年 5月까지 總 2, 808頭의 姙娠豚을 供試하여 姙娠豚에 Prostaglandin F_(2)α의 投與에 의한 分娩誘起의 實用性을 알기 위하여 投與時期, 投與量, 誘起時間, 誘起時間分布, 生産仔豚에 미치는 影響, 血中 Progesterone 水準의 變化를 檢討하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. Prostaglandin F_(2)α를 投與한 姙娠母豚 2,798頭中 2, 655頭가 分娩하여 分娩誘起率은 94.89%였다. 2. 交尾後 111일, 112일, 113일째에 Prostaglandin F_(2)α를 10 mg, 15mg을 各各 投與하였을 때 分娩誘起時間은 111일령에서 42.20±34. 61 時間, 43.47±33.08時間, 112일령 에서 34. 53±12.29 시간. 25.31±3.70시 간, 113일령에서 26.04±4.98시간, 24.23±7.43 시간이었고, 113일령 대단위실험군에서 10 mg 投與後 평균 분만유기 시간은 26.42시간으로 投與時期가 分娩豫定日에 가까울수록 分娩이 誘起되기까지의 所要時間이 短縮되었다. (P<0. 05) 3. Prostaglandin F_(2)α 投與量이 10 mg에서 15 mg으로 增加함에 따라 投與後 分娩이 誘起되기까지의 時間은 短縮되었다. 4. 總産仔豚, 死産仔豚數는 投與時期에 따른 유의성은 인정되지 않았다. 그러나 交尾後 111일령에서 生産되는 仔豚의 活力 및 哺乳能力은 떨어졌다. 5. 血中 Progesterone 水準은 PG F_(2)α 投與前에 17.58±2.84 ng/ml에서 分娩前 12時間사이에서 8.90±3.85ng/ml, 分娩後 12時間사이에서는 5.48±3.26 ng/ml으로 저하되었다. This study had been conducted since september, 1988 until may 1990 to examine the utility of prostaglandin F_(2)α on parturition induction in pregnant sows, using 2808 sows on gestation by investigating administration time, the dose of injection, parturitien, induction time, distribution of inuction time, influences of PGF_(2)α on litters and the changes of progesterone concentration in blood. The results obtained are as follows ; 1. Among 2798 pregnant sows administered with prostaglandin F_(2)α, 2665 sows gave birth to piglets and the rate of parturition was 94.89% . 2. When 10 mg and 15 mg prostaglandin F_(2)α was administered to sow at the day of 111, 112, and 113 after couplation the parturition induction time was 42.20 ± 34.61, 43.47 ± 33.08 in sow 111 day pregnant, 34.53 ± 12.29. 25.31 ± 3.70 in sows 112 days pregnant and 26.04 ± 4.98, 24.23 ± 7.43 in sows 113 days pregnant. As the mean parturition induction times were 26.42 hours in the sows after injection of 10 mg PGF_(2)α on days 113 of gestation the fact that the parturition induction was demontrated(p<0.05). 3. As the dosage of prostaglandin F_(2)α was increased from 10 mg to 15 mg the interval between administration and parturition induction was shortened. 4. There was no a stastical difference in total litter size and the number of stillbirth in relation to the time of prostaglandin administration but the piglets born from sows being injected on days 111 of gestation showed the reduction of activity and suckling ability. 5. Plasma progesterone concentration in sows before administration, of PGF_(2) was 17.58 t 2.84 ng/mL however with the injection of PGF_(2)α the concentration was decreased to 8.90 ± 3.85 ng/ml for 12 hours before parturition and to 5.48 ± 3.26 ng/ml for 12 hours after farrowing.

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