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      • A role of experience in the organization and sexual differentiation of partner preference

        Woodson, James Carl University of California, Los Angeles 2000 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Three series of experiments addressed the effects of androgen exposure perinatally on the volume of the Sexually Dimorphic Nucleus of the Preoptic Area (SDN-POA), adult sexual behavior, partner preference, and instrumental responding for sexual reward in laboratory rats. Using females exposed to testosterone propionate (TP) perinatally as a model of male sexual differentiation, and housing them individually from weaning to control for postweaning sexual experience, we investigated the interaction between experience and “organizational” steroid exposure in three different situations. First, during an instrumental conditioning paradigm wherein estrous females were used as a reward for lever pressing during training, we identified aspects of copulatory ability that were correlated with performance in an extinction test (conducted in the absence of delivery of the female). Ejaculation patterns exhibited during a previous copulatory test were related to sex differences in performance, when males lever pressed significantly more vigorously than females, despite exposure to TP in adulthood. TP exposure perinatally masculinized the performance of female rats given TP exposure in adulthood such that their performance was indistinguishable from that of males. Second, we tested the non-contact partner preference of female rats given exposure to Oil or TP either prenatally, postnatally, or both, after implantation with TP capsules in adulthood. Preferences were assessed first while rats were naïve, then again after male-typical sexual experience with estrous females. Although TP injected females expressed a female-directed partner preference both while naIve and when sexually experienced, there were no differences between control and masculinized females until after sexual experience. It was proposed that steroid exposure perinatally organizes brain regions involved in the control or establishment of experienced preferences, but not inexperienced attraction to estrous females, which may be engendered in either sex by activational TP exposure in adulthood, regardless of perinatal exposure. Thus, hierarchically related and partially dissociable neurobiological systems may mediate naïve and experienced partner preference. In the final series of experiments, support was obtained for these proposals by first measuring the volume of the Sexually Dimorphic Nucleus of the Preoptic Area (SDN-POA) in the rats from the previous preference experiments, and then correlating the volumes with the previous sex behavior scores and preference scores. A clear dissociation was obtained between naïve and experienced partner preference, which was correlated with SDN-POA volume when rats were experienced, but not when rats were naïve. Previously unreported, a laterality effect was found, with right SDN-POA volumes larger than left volumes. These results support the position that sexual motivation is organized indirectly by steroid exposure perinatally, which interacts with sexual experience and steroid exposure in adulthood to shape partner preference.

      • Winter seasonal affective disorder: Epidemiological evidence for the light-deprivation hypothesis

        Woodson, Harrell Wesley The University of Texas at Austin 2003 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        In 1983, investigators first described winter seasonal affective disorder (winter SAD) as a subtype of depression that included sleep, eating, mood and sociability symptoms that appeared to correlate primarily with the onset and duration of the late fall and winter months. The light deprivation hypothesis posits that some individuals have a bio-rhythmic susceptibility to depression that is dependent upon the length of exposure to appropriate intensities of ambient light. Epidemiological findings have suggested that prevalence rates for this disorder are positively associated with latitude. At higher latitudes, daylight exposure in terms of both time and illuminance decreases substantially during the winter months. This study tested the latitude-prevalence relationship by collecting published epidemiological surveys meeting study criteria and evaluating the relationship between latitude and prevalence after controlling for relevant demographic and study characteristics. Statistical models were developed to evaluate the latitude-prevalence relationship. The results indicated that latitude had a significant positive relationship with prevalence when no other factors were taken into account. However, when the models included sample age, date of survey administration or regional differences, the relationship between latitude and prevalence was no longer significant. The negative findings for the latitude-prevalence relationship do not support the light-deprivation account for winter SAD. The study discusses the findings in context of design limitations as well as possible alternative accounts to the light-deprivation hypothesis for winter SAD.

      • An examination of the relationship between the predominant leadership style among principals and the delivery of a quality education in elementary schools

        Woodson, Sharon D Howard University 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The purpose of the study was to examine the strength of the association between the level of transformational leadership behaviors (symbolizes good professional practice, provides individual support, intellectual stimulation, emphasizes a collaborative decision-making structure, high performance expectations, and fosters development of visions and goals) of principals and the level of satisfaction (physical attributes, attention to needs of individuals, instructional leadership, community involvement, and learning outcomes) with the quality of education rendered to students. The study, utilizing survey research methods, was comprised of a sample of three principals, teachers (n = 44), support staff (n = 38), and parents (n = 20) from elementary schools (grades K-5th) in a Mid-Atlantic urban school district. The Leadership and Management of Schools Staff Survey (LMS-SS) and the School Quality Satisfaction Survey (SQSS) were used to measure the two variables in the study. Random sampling was used to select the sample of principals, teachers, support staff, and parents. Results of the correlation analyses for teachers revealed that there were no significant associations between transformational leadership behaviors of principals and school quality satisfaction. Similarly, no significant association existed between the teachers' scores on the excellent school and their school measures. Among support staff significant associations were reported between transformational leadership behaviors of principals' and school quality satisfaction. There was no significant difference between the support staff scores on the excellent school measures and their school measure. Results of the parents' ratings of excellent school and their school revealed no significant differences. Finally, the principals and their self assessment placed themselves with the higher level of transformational leadership style. The findings and implications offer significant insight into the multifaceted nature of school leadership and its relationship between the level of satisfaction among teachers, support staff, and parents regarding the delivery of a quality education within an urban school district.

      • The Legend of Kitezh in Russian Literature

        Woodson, Lisa The University of Wisconsin - Madison 2014 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This study focuses on the legend of Kitezh and its varied incarnations in Russian literature. The legend, which describes an ideal city that disappeared during a time of war, rose from obscurity to wide recognition in less than a century. It then appeared in the works of many leading Russian writers of the twentieth century. This dissertation studies the way three groups of writers appropriated the legend, using Kitezh as a touchstone that allows for a deeper and more nuanced understanding of their philosophical and artistic purposes. The introductory chapter surveys existing research and sets out a semiotic framework for understanding the legend both in world culture and in the Russian context in which it developed, where Old Believers conceived the legend as an escape to a pre-Petrine Russia. It also discusses the legend as a piece of folklore and highlights the changes that occur when a legend enters mainstream literature. The next three chapters examine three incarnations of the legend at transitional points in its development. Chapter 2 focuses on how writers of the nineteenth century, in particular Pavel Melnikov (pseudonym Andrei Pechersky), first brought Old Believers to the Russian press and used the legend to illustrate the escapist worldview of people they considered ignorant religious fanatics. Chapter 3 examines how the Symbolists Zinaida Gippius and Dmitry Merezhkovsky transformed the dominant interpretation of the Kitezh legend at the turn of the century. Frustrated with institutional Church and State institutions, the Symbolists sought alternatives in the practices of religious dissenters, and made the dissenters' ideal city---Kitezh---an apocalyptic symbol of the future they idealized for Russia. Chapter 4 covers the post-Revolutionary years, when writers again reinterpreted Kitezh, this time as a symbol of the idealized past that had been lost after the Revolution. Writers with a particularly "exilic" mentality, such as emigre writers (Bunin and others), or people who saw themselves as "cultural exiles," such as Anna Akhmatova, used Kitezh as an identity marker, drawing a distinction between themselves and the Soviet culture around them. The conclusion surveys the appearance of Kitezh in post-Soviet culture.

      • Goal 5, Texas higher education coordinating board: Exploring the professional development of faculty who teach underserved learners in developmental courses at a two-year post-secondary institution in Southwest Texas

        Woodson, Billy Ray Texas A&M University ProQuest Dissertations & Thes 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Using a quantitative method, this study explored the professional development activities, educational levels of faculty teaching developmental courses, and demographic profiles of faculty and students in developmental courses at a Southwestern community college. This study was framed around Malcom Knowles' Adult Learning Theory. Data were collected from faculty and administrators to get a snapshot of what was going on with professional development for faculty teaching developmental courses to underprepared adult post-secondary learners. Archival data were retrieved from a Southwestern community college and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. The data revealed the demographic profile and educational levels of faculty teaching developmental courses to underprepared adult learners at a two-year post-secondary institution. The data also identified the types of professional developmental activities faculty teaching developmental courses participate in for professional development. In addition to data about faculty, the data also revealed the demographic profile and outcomes of students in developmental courses at a two-year post-secondary institution. Ongoing professional development is required in faculty members, so that they may in turn facilitate the learning of underprepared adult learners. Professional development for faculty teaching development education courses must be framed with the Adult Learning Theory. With the increasing number of underprepared adult learners entering higher education, faculty must be prepared to meet this challenge.

      • Coenzyme B12 biosynthesis and precursor salvaging in archaea

        Woodson, Jesse Daniel The University of Wisconsin - Madison 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Despite the use of cobamides (e.g., coenzyme B12) in all three domains of life, cobamide biosynthetic capabilities are restricted to prokaryotes. Our understanding of these synthetic processes is almost exclusively derived from work with bacteria. In addition to a de novo pathway, bacteria posses a conserved pathway for salvaging the stable coenzyme B12 precursor adenosylcobinamide (AdoCbi) from the environment. Recent availability of archaeal genomes has revealed archaea lack orthologs to several proteins needed for cobamide metabolism in bacteria. Because some archaea synthesize and require cobamides to live, it was hypothesized they use different enzymes and/or pathways to those used by bacteria. This dissertation describes the identification of new enzymes involved in archaeal cobamide biosynthesis, a new AdoCbi-salvaging pathway, and the identification of archaeal cobamide transport proteins. The first part of this dissertation focuses on establishing the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum as a genetic model system for dissecting cobamide biosynthesis and precursor salvaging in archaea. The cobY gene was shown to be required for de novo cobamide biosynthesis in vivo. The data also show that H. salinarum possesses a high-affinity transport system for cobamides. The second part of this dissertation describes the identification of a pathway unique to archaea for salvaging the coenzyme B12 precursor AdoCbi. The previously uncharacterized cbiZ gene was shown to encode an AdoCbi amidohydrolase enzyme that converted AdoCbi to the de novo intermediate adenosylcobyric acid. The salvaging of AdoCbi through the CbiZ enzyme appears to be an archaeal strategy because all of the genomes of archaea thus sequenced have a cbiZ ortholog. In some archaea, CbiZ is part of a much larger protein called CbiS. In addition to an amidohydrolase function, the CbiS enzyme possesses a phosphatase function also used for cobamide biosynthesis. These phosphatases belong to a group of previously uncharacterized proteins unique to archaea. The last part of this dissertation addresses how H. salinarum transports cobamides. Three genes were found to be necessary for the transport of complete and incomplete cobamides. These genes encode orthologs to the bacterial B12 ABC-transporter permease, ATPase, and periplasmic substrate-binding proteins.

      • Temples of art in cities of industry: Municipal art museums in Birmingham, Liverpool, and Manchester, c. 1870--1914 (England)

        Woodson-Boulton, Amy University of California, Los Angeles 2003 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        What does it mean about the relationships between art, industry, and government that in the last decades of the nineteenth century, cities across Britain established art museums along with their sanitation projects, hospitals, gasworks, and Town Halls? My dissertation addresses this question by examining the previously-neglected histories of the municipal art museums in Birmingham, Liverpool, and Manchester. My project diverges from abstract and theoretical interpretations of museums by analyzing these institutions in their particular cultural and historical contexts. I describe how the museums developed out of the interactions between available ideas about art, social networks of reformers, the practice of painting, and competing interpretations of the potential for active government. I argue that these municipal art museums were possible because the new visual language of nineteenth-century art and art criticism profoundly changed the role of art in society, and re-created art as a potent means of social reform. As elites in these three cities struggled to contain the many new problems of industrial, capitalist society, they used ideas about the moralizing and reforming potential of art to remake culture and government in innovative ways. I show how, by providing art museums, city governments became increasingly responsible for their inhabitants' mental and spiritual health. With very different political, economic, cultural, and religious climates, Birmingham, Liverpool, and Manchester created art museums with distinct institutional identities, detailed in the three case studies of Part I. In the three chapters of Part II, I use a comparative approach to explore how the development of the museums' permanent collections, opening policies, and methods of popularizing art reflected their intended purposes and audiences. Together, all six chapters show how the museums' decisions about what art to collect, when to open, and how to attract a mass public differed because they emerged out of dissimilar urban contexts. At the same time, I show the similarities between the three institutions, arguing that the development of municipal art museums paralleled and in fact encouraged the extension of local government in Britain, as city councils took on new and expanded responsibilities for providing culture, education and beauty to their citizens.

      • The Motivation of White Heterosexual Cisgender Men to Become DEIB Advocates

        Verdeja-Woodson, Cornell University of Southern California ProQuest Dissert 2023 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247342

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The technology industry struggles to advance their DEIB efforts. Limited engagement of White male leaders has been identified as a critical barrier to the industry’s success. This study examines the motivations of White heterosexual cisgender men (WHCMs) in leadership roles to participate in advancing DEIB within their organizations. It also aims to identify strategies to increase WHCM authentic engagement, based on qualitative interviews with 10 WHCMs. Relationships with individuals from HEGs supported greater awareness of privilege and influence, while role models with shared values established the value of DEIB efforts, provided a blueprint for how to authentically engage, and inspired commitment to DEIB efforts. Participants expressed high self-efficacy regarding their ability to help advance DEIB but expressed a knowledge gap, highlighting the need for continued education about DEIB issues. The opportunity to align their actions with personal values was identified as the most significant value of engaging in DEIB initiatives. These findings indicate that cross-cultural interactions and one-on-one engagement with peers could promote greater self-awareness, self-efficacy, and perceived value of DEIB efforts among WHCMs.

      • Diffusion of computing innovation in a corporate environment

        Brown-Woodson, Ina A Rutgers The State University of New Jersey - New B 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247342

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The purpose of this exploratory case study was to test an integrated model of adoption by combining diffusion of innovation, sense-making, and elements of information poverty. The computer was treated as the technological innovation through which research subjects experienced a range of choices of computer adoption in a corporate work environment. Evidence of acceptance through rejection was sought to determine if the integrated model of adoption would add new knowledge to research literature and determine the extent of diffusion of computers found among the labor union population surveyed. The research methodology combined quantitative survey and qualitative interviews that selected Communication Workers of America members employed at AT&T completed. The unit of analysis was the level of adoption experienced by the individual employees at one company. Data analysis used conceptual elements that influenced computer acceptance and four levels of adoption by applying factor analysis and multiple regression techniques. Diffusion of computers was found among most of the research subjects in this study. The integration of the three theories proved to be useful for exploring the innovation decision process at the employee's work level. There was evidence of concerns and fears regarding computers, but even respondents who did not have computers at work, recognized their value for increasing worker productivity. Other respondents stated “computer systems put people out of work.&rdquo. One element from diffusion theory, relative advantage and one element from theory of information poverty, situational relevance, were found to impact respondents. Evidence of risk-taking, the second element from information poverty was not found as it was defined. However, environmental changes within AT&T, such as deregulation and numerous staff reductions, may have impacted respondents' willingness to participate in the two phases of this study. Significant gender, ethnic or age differences were not found among the respondents.

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