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      • M. 테일러의 해체 신학과 흔적의 윤리성

        최병학 부산대학교 2005 국내박사

        RANK : 247675

        The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate M. Taylor’s deconstructive theology and its ethical meaning of the deconstructed trace. Taylor’s theory deconstructs the discourse of Western metaphysics, which is composed of the interlocking system of God, the history, the book, and the self. Taylor’s metaphor of the trace is a new interlocking system, that is, God of dissemination-erring-text-trace. The new discourse appears when the old system is deconstructed. I traced Taylor’s metaphor of the trace by discussing the ethical approaches of Piotinus, Levinas, and Derrida. The ethical thought in the trace is to study the culture of the postmodern phenomena. We believe it is necessary to study the trace because the trace has an ethical implication. This study reveals the diachronic of the scholars who thought about the trace, and also discloses the ways of thinking of the scholars. In addition to that, it examines the ethical connotations of the trace in both aspects- the existential physics and the perceiving place. Further, This study develops a possibility that the fields of unconsciousness, cyber-space, and robotics are related to the metaphor of the trace. The ethical meaning of the trace exists on the condition that transcendence is immanent. The ethical basis has the categorical judgment because the trace exists through the immanence of the objectivity. Additionally, the ethical basis realizes that the nature of the trace transforms it self from the dissolution of the subjectivity to the relationship of the others. The relational ethics is the movement of the One which exists in the relationship over the universe, into the universe, and through the universe. Thus, the ethics is not the one of the Empire of the symbolic world but the ethics of the trace of the real world. The ethics establishes the existential validity in this postmodern period.

      • 뮤지컬 "드림걸즈" 뮤지컬넘버의 극적 기능에 관한 연구 : 커더스 테일러의 넘버를 중심으로

        문성환 경성대학교 대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247661

        A good way to become a great musical actor is having a wide understanding about musical theater music. An actor with good musicality can always have great presence on stage. Actors from other fields constantly analyze the script to understand the writers intention and to complete the character. likewise, Musical theater actors have a score to analyze. The composer intends the flow(through-line) and the emotions of the music to reach the audience through the actor's singing. Therefore, without an exact analyze on a given score, both the singing and acting would be meaningless. Dreamgirls is a Broadway musical, with music by Henry Krieger and lyrics and book by Tom Eyen. Based upon the show business aspirations and successes of R&B acts such as The Supremes, The Shirelles, James Brown, Jackie Wilson, and others, the musical follows the story of a young female singing trio from Chicago, Illinois called "The Dreams", who become music superstars. Dreamgirls opened on December 20, 1981 at the Imperial Theatre, and was nominated for thirteen Tony Awards, including the Tony Award for Best Musical, and won six. Musical <Dreamgirls>, the first re-made show in the world was produced in Korea and had 162 shows from February till August 2009, being in the spotlight in of the industry. Being the vocal trainer of the production, I had spent about an year with the actor who played Curtis Taylor, the leading male role. Through that process, I was able to discover the intention of the composer of the music. And that was start of my research on the dramatic effect of musical numbers. There are three distinctive theatrical functions in the music of Curtis Taylor's musical numbers. To start, the actor has to build and complete the character through the music. There are rhythms that explain the scene on the score, and the beat helps to show the through line of the emotion. Key signature and other musical signs all work together as well. Analyzing the key changes helps to understand the tone and the arrangement of the music. So observing the Key signature, Rhythm, and other musical signs can encourage the actor's acting to be honest. Secondly, the actor can discover the personality through the score. For example, Curtis' vocal range os set within a certain range which enables the Dreams' voices to stand out, and this set-up describes the character more clearly. Lastly, each musical number of different actors is organically related to each other and is make into a bigger story. In a nut shell, a musical performer should have a good understanding on the score and when all the things said above are fulfilled, the audience who come to the theater would have a much more satisfying being drawn into the drama. And eventually, this would result in a higher understanding of the show for audience, and the overall level of the theater goers would increase. I hope more theoretical studies on the not only the script but on the score can contribute to the development in the musical theater industry.

      • A Feasibility Study Assessing the Safety and Benefits of Seated Sun-Style Tai Chi among Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis

        Taylor, Emily ProQuest Dissertations & Theses The University of 2019 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247631

        Background: An estimated 80% of individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS) do not meet daily physical activity recommendations. Low-impact physical activity that can be performed seated, such as Tai Chi, may be especially beneficial for individuals with MS having greater disability burden. Tai Chi is rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, and standing forms have been studied among individuals with MS. Methods: A quasi-experimental, single group pretest-posttest study was used to explore the effects of the Tai Chi intervention on personal (physical function, exercise self-efficacy, MS-related symptoms), behavioral (physical activity, exercise habits, exercise planning, exercise goal setting), and environmental factors (social support), using Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory as the theoretical framework. Results: This study enrolled 25 individuals with MS in seated Sun-Style Tai Chi classes for one hour, twice weekly, over 12 weeks. Study retention was 88%, class attendance was 75%, and study satisfaction was 86.4%. No serious adverse events occurred during the classes. MS-related symptoms were measured every four weeks over a 16-week period. While this Tai Chi intervention study was not powered to detect significant differences in personal, behavioral, or environmental factors, there were significant improvements at eight-weeks in depression (p=.006), 95% CI [-6.37, -1.07], and anxiety scores (p=.028), 95% CI [-5.16, -0.30], and significant improvements at 12-weeks in depression (p=.002), 95% CI [-6.47, -1.39] and exercise goals scores (p=0.015). Improvements in scores were non-significant for fatigue (p=.099), lower extremity function (p=.922), exercise self-efficacy (p=.295), subjective physical activity (p=.118), and sub scores of social support from family and friends including family participation (p=.516), family rewards (p=.210), and friend participation (p=.349). Pain intensity (p=0.849) and pain interference (p=0.882) scores increased at four weeks and trended down as the study progressed. Exercise planning (p=.116) and upper extremity function scores (p=.176) decreased at 12 weeks. Conclusion: This study filled an important gap in our knowledge of potential benefits of physical activity among individuals with MS by determining adherence, feasibility, and safety for future research assessing the use of sun-style seated Tai Chi among individuals with MS.

      • Effect of microstructure on the fracture response of advanced high strength steels

        Taylor, Mark David Colorado School of Mines 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247615

        The effect of constituent hardness on formability performance for higher-strength dual phase (DP) steels was evaluated. A commercially-produced DP steel with 1080 MPa ultimate tensile strength (UTS) was processed to create eight additional constituent hardness conditions by tempering and cold-rolling, processes that primarily affected constituent hardness properties. Using nanoindentation, ferrite and martensite hardness values for the nine conditions of the DP steel (as-received, four as-tempered, four temper cold-rolled) provided a range of hardness values to evaluate formability performance. Formability performance for the nine steel conditions was evaluated using tensile and hole expansion testing. A decrease in martensite/ferrite hardness ratio corresponded to an increase in hole expansion ratio (HER), and an increase in yield strength (YS). A lower hardness ratio (increased similarity of ferrite and martensite hardness) was interpreted to increase strain-sharing between ferrite and martensite, which suppressed plastic strain localization to higher stresses for the case of YS, and to higher formability limits for the case of HER. A lower hardness ratio corresponded to a decrease in work-hardening, and was interpreted to be caused by the suppression of strain localization in ferrite. Multiple studies from literature correlated HER to tensile properties, and the nine steel conditions produced consistent trends with the data reported in each study, confirming the experimental HER and tensile properties obtained in the current study are consistent with literature. The microstructural response to plastic deformation was evaluated using two DP steels with equivalent UTS and different hardness ratios. Nanoindentation analyses on tensile specimens deformed to the UTS revealed a greater increase in ferrite hardness for the higher hardness ratio steel, interpreted to be caused by the greater amount of work hardening. EBSD crystallographic orientation maps for the two DP steels showed that, whether by cold-rolling or tensile deformation, a DP microstructure heterogeneously accommodates strains imparted by plastic deformation. Strain maps generated using digital image correlation on deformed tensile specimens for both DP steels showed that strains heterogeneously develop in the microstructure at locations consistent with preferential fracture sites in DP steels, such as ferrite/martensite interfaces. The hardness ratio primarily affected the magnitude of the strain gradients, with a larger hardness ratio yielding a greater strain gradient. With further deformation, isolated regions of high strain linked to form bands of strain localization throughout the microstructure. A plane strain tensile analysis showed the DP steel with lower hardness ratio to have a lower void population, a finding consistent with results established in the M.Sc. thesis of M. D. Taylor. Using fractured tensile specimens, a lower void area pct at equivalent stress and strain was observed for the DP steel with lower hardness ratio, confirming a lower hardness ratio suppresses microstructural damage.

      • A multiscalar, interdisciplinary study of the social and ecological dynamics of urban agriculture in Chicago, IL

        Taylor, John R University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2014 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247615

        Although always a part of city life, urban agriculture has recently attracted increased attention from diverse groups in the United States, which promote it as a strategy for stimulating economic development, increasing food security and access, and combatting obesity and diabetes, among other social goals. Sites of urban food production, along with other urban landscapes, are also increasingly expected to provide additional ecosystem services, such as stormwater regulation, habitat provisioning, and biodiversity conservation, historically provided by rural areas. This research project employed a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods from the social and natural sciences to explore the spatial, social, and ecological dynamics of urban agriculture in Chicago, IL. The ultimate goal of the project was to develop a foundational understanding of those dynamics as a basis for expanding food production in the city and enhancing its contribution to urban systems at multiple scales. A first step to developing effective urban agriculture policies and programs at the city, neighborhood, or household level is the accurate mapping of existing sites of food production. Mapping efforts in major U.S. cities have been limited in their focus and methodology. Focusing on public sites of food production, such as community gardens, they have overlooked the actual and potential contribution of private spaces, including home food gardens, to local food systems. In the first phase of the research project, public and private spaces of food production in Chicago were identified and mapped through the manual analysis of high-resolution aerial images in Google Earth in conjunction with the use of ArcGIS. The resulting spatial dataset of 4,648 food production sites demonstrated that urban agriculture is an extensive land use type with wide variations in the distribution of sites across the city. Only 16 percent of sites reported to be community gardening projects by nongovernment organizations and government agencies were determined, through image analysis, to be sites of food production. The production area of home gardens identified by the study exceeded by almost three-fold that of community gardens. Study results suggest opportunities may exist for scaling up existing production networks---including home food gardens---and enhancing community food sovereignty by leveraging local knowledges of urban agriculture. Results from the mapping study inspired the second phase of the project, which focused on onlot and vacant lot home food gardens. The contributions of these gardens to urban systems in the Global North have been overlooked and understudied, even though their production area may, in the aggregate, far exceed that of other forms of urban agriculture. To begin to address this gap, a mixed methods study of African American, Chinese-origin, and Mexican-origin households with home gardens on Chicago's south side was conducted. (For purposes of this study, a home food garden was defined as a fruit and/or vegetable garden on leased, owned, or borrowed land directly adjacent to the gardener's residence; it may include plantings in containers or on rooftops.) Study methods included in-depth interviews with gardeners and other household members, participant observation, ethnobotanical surveys and garden mapping, and analysis of the chemical and physical properties of garden soils. In 2012, a total of 31 gardeners were surveyed; in 2014, an additional 38 gardeners were interviewed. Study findings indicate home gardening has an array of beneficial effects, contributing to household food budgets and community food systems, community development, the reproduction of cultural identity, and urban biodiversity. The majority of informants in the study were internal or international migrants. For these individuals, gardening, culture-specific food plant assemblages, and the foodways they supported represented a continuation of cultural practices and traditional agroecological knowledges associated with their place of origin. The gardens of some migrant households also harbored urban agrobiodiversity with roots in the Global South. While in the aggregate the plant richness of gardens in the study was equal to or exceeded that of a reference ecosystem, only a small percentage of the plant species were native to the Chicago region. Home food gardens also had a unique vegetative structure representing a trade-off between food production and structural complexity. They lacked shade trees and a well-developed shrub layer, and Chinese-origin gardens also lacked perennial groundlayer vegetation. The lack of native plant species and vegetative structural complexity in these gardens may limit their contribution to biodiversity at higher tropic levels. Overall, study results suggest that while the home food garden's potential contributions to urban systems are significant, outreach--- particularly to historically underserved minority populations---and additional research of a participatory nature are needed to help gardeners grow food safely and sustainably in ways that contribute to overall ecosystem health. (Abstract shortened by UMI.).

      • Changes in the ways decisions were made in a school district's guidance and counseling program between 2000 and 2009

        Knight, Leigh Anne Taylor University of Kansas 2010 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247372

        This research was designed to answer: What were changes in the ways decisions were made in a school district's guidance and counseling program between 1999 and 2009? Through a qualitative study, attention was given to emergent concepts and relationships relevant to the phenomenon of collaborative decision making in the distributed leadership framework. With a six-question survey, the researcher conducted face-to-face interviews with participants (counselors and the superintendent) from an urban-suburban school district in the Midwestern part of the United States. Data from these interviews were validated with nontechnical literature, technical literature, and the personal and professional experiences of the researcher. Findings were that leadership structure and leadership personnel for the department coincided with changes in the interactions of participants resulting in changes in the structures, routines and tools used in decision making. Evidence also indicated an increase in collaborative development of tools used to collect and examine data, as well as an increase in the use of data to make decisions in the department in Professional Learning Communities. Taylor Knight's Model of Distributed Leadership depicted the interactions of the guidance and counseling staff and district leadership over the 10-year period studied. The interactions perceived as contributing to the decisions with the most positive impact on the department were characterized as the participants' commitment to execute leadership through: building relationships; asking for and giving input and listening; starting with parameters then being flexible as the situations evolved; and determining who, when and how much to involve others in decisions.

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