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      존재의 의미: 『안나 카레니나』 8부 재조명 = More than Epilogue: Part Eight of 『Anna Karenina』 Revisited



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The eighth and final part of Anna Karenina has been regarded idiosyncratic for the absence of the heroine and its heavily philosophical treatment of Levin`s contemplations. Moreover, the anti-war sentiment toward the Russo-Turkish war ignited a heated...

      The eighth and final part of Anna Karenina has been regarded idiosyncratic for the absence of the heroine and its heavily philosophical treatment of Levin`s contemplations. Moreover, the anti-war sentiment toward the Russo-Turkish war ignited a heated discussion upon its publication. Against the background of these reservations, this paper aims at defending Part Eight by examining its critical role in the novel. Part Eight is not devoid of the eponymous heroine as her presence is as powerful as before, given the impact of her memory on Vronsky. Her legacy as the revengeful judge is finalized and hereby Anna`s opposition to Levin is also finalized. Their contrast stands out in Levin`s interior monologue, a counterpart to Anna`s in Part Seven. Levin`s monologue spells out what drives Anna to self-destruction, while Levin survives the tormenting doubts about life. Unlike Anna, Levin does not fall prey to the swindling of reason. Along this line, the theme of war serves as a platform to disclose the hypocrisy pervasive in the society. In the end, it is significant that the final part of the novel ends in Levin`s family happiness, embracing individual, social and family dimensions, and thereby marking an appropriate finale to the novel dealing with happy as well as unhappy families.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 조유선, "톨스토이와 도스토예프스키: 인간 고통의 두 양상" 한국러시아문학회 (36) : 149-174, 2011

      2 스타이너, 조지, "톨스토이냐, 도스토예프스키냐" 종로서적 1983

      3 석영중, "톨스토이, 도덕에 미치다" 예담 2009

      4 오종우, "어떻게 살아야 하는가" 예술행동 2011

      5 쉬클롭스키, 빅토르, "레프 톨스토이" 나남 2006

      6 이게타 사다요시, "러시아의 문학과 혁명" 웅진지식하우스 2010

      7 김태연, "도스또예프스끼의 『작가의 일기』에 나타난 민족주의 의식" 26 (26): 3-39, 2011

      8 Ермилов, В. В., "Толстой-Романист" Художественная литература 1965

      9 Кибальник, С. А., "Споры о Балканской войне на страницах Анны Карениной" (4) : 39-44, 2010

      10 Гей, Н. К., "Поэтика романов Л. Н. Толстого, In Л. Н. Толстой и современность" Наука 103-129, 1981

      1 조유선, "톨스토이와 도스토예프스키: 인간 고통의 두 양상" 한국러시아문학회 (36) : 149-174, 2011

      2 스타이너, 조지, "톨스토이냐, 도스토예프스키냐" 종로서적 1983

      3 석영중, "톨스토이, 도덕에 미치다" 예담 2009

      4 오종우, "어떻게 살아야 하는가" 예술행동 2011

      5 쉬클롭스키, 빅토르, "레프 톨스토이" 나남 2006

      6 이게타 사다요시, "러시아의 문학과 혁명" 웅진지식하우스 2010

      7 김태연, "도스또예프스끼의 『작가의 일기』에 나타난 민족주의 의식" 26 (26): 3-39, 2011

      8 Ермилов, В. В., "Толстой-Романист" Художественная литература 1965

      9 Кибальник, С. А., "Споры о Балканской войне на страницах Анны Карениной" (4) : 39-44, 2010

      10 Гей, Н. К., "Поэтика романов Л. Н. Толстого, In Л. Н. Толстой и современность" Наука 103-129, 1981

      11 Толстой, Л. Н., "Полное собрание сочинений в 90-и томах" Художественная литература 1928

      12 Достоевский, Ф. М., "Полное собрание сочинений в 30-и томах" Наука 1972

      13 Orwin, Donna, "Tolstoy's Antiphilosophical Philosophy in Anna Karenina, In Approaches to Teaching Tolstoy's Anna Karenina" The Modern Languages Association of America 95-103, 2003

      14 Evdokimova, Svetlana, "The Wedding Bell, the Death Knell, and Philosophy's Spell: Tolstoy's Sense of Ending, In Approaches to Teaching Tolstoy's Anna Karenina" The Modern Languages Association of America 137-143, 2003

      15 Schultze, Sydney, "The Structure of Anna Karenina" Ardis Publishers 1982

      16 Knapp, Liza, "The Setting, In Approaches to Teaching Tolstoy's Anna Karenina" The Modern Languages Association of America 24-34, 2003

      17 Eikhenbaum, Boris, "The Puzzle of the Epigraph, N. Schopenhauer, In Anna Karenina" Norton 815-821, 1970

      18 Jackson, Robert Louis, "The Night Journey: Anna Karenina's Return to Saint Petersburg, In Approaches to Teaching Tolstoy's Anna Karenina" The Modern Languages Association of America 150-160, 2003

      19 Knapp, Liza, "The Names, In Approaches to Teaching Tolstoy's Anna Karenina" The Modern Languages Association of America 8-23, 2003

      20 Knapp, Liza, "The Development of Style and Theme in Tolstoy, In The Cambridge Companion to Tolstoy" Cambridge University Press 161-175, 2002

      21 Jahn, Gary R., "The Crisis in Tolstoy and Anna Karenina, In Approaches to Teaching Tolstoy's Anna Karenina" The Modern Languages Association of America 67-73, 2003

      22 Gustafson, Richard F., "Leo Tolstoy:Resident and Stranger" Princeton University Press 1986

      23 Yoon, Saera, "Communion or Camouflage: Food and Focal Locales in Anna Karenina" 2 : 135-150, 2001

      24 Sloane, David A., "Anna Reading and Women Reading in Russian Literature, In Approaches to Teaching Tolstoy's Anna Karenina" The Modern Languages Association of America 124-130, 2003

      25 Morson, Gary Saul, "Anna Karenina in Our Time" Yale University Press 2007


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